12.There are 603 machines and equipment including rooter, tower crane, pile driver, etc.
13.The driver slewed his crane round.
14.The audience craned forward as their conjuror came to the crucial part of his trick.
当魔术师的魔术变到关键时刻, 观众们都向前伸着脖子看。
15.For example, the halyard, uses in the crane code high and low, must very solid durable.
16.High-speed and high efficiency portainer is the new develo pment trend of super-banama type quay container crane.
17.The combination of cranes, scissor lifts and fork lifts appeared to onlookers like a new form of dodgem cars.
18.The crane lifts the cars from a huge sinkhole that opened up in Moscow's Buto-vo district, April 2, 2009.
19.The results indicate that cranes under artificial feeding have their specificities in behavioral pattern and expressivity as compared with wild cranes.
20.Duke did not answer him, just be opposite loudly crane group vociferant, crane group be frighted, simultaneously outstretched two legs ran.