The Europeans took over both of them, and by the middle of the 16th century were hearing rumors of another city, where: " A great Lord… goes about continually covered in gold dust."
Now we had an account from a Wren who was based here in Dover called Doreen, and her account says that skincare became really hard to get hold of during the war, it was like gold dust.
237 Pa's fiddle wailed while Pa was singing: " Oh, Susi-an-na, don't you cry for me, I'm going to Cal-i-for-ni-a, The gold dust for to see." Then Pa began to play again the song about Old Grimes.
Not valuing now the root whence it sprang; having found that it was of a sort which nothing but gold dust could manure, I have but half a liking to the blossom, especially when it looks so artificial as just now.