| 划词

Wood carving are a specialty of this village.



He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.




immunization, immunize, immunizing, immuno-, immunoadherence, immunoadsorbent, immunoadsorption, immunoassay, immunoassays, immunobiologic, immunobiology, immunoblast, immuno-block, immunoblot, immunoblotting, immunocatalysis, immunochemical, immunochemist, immunochemistry, immunochemotherapy, immunocompetence, immunocompetent, immunocomplex, immunocompromised, immunoconglutin, immunoconglutination, immunoconglutinin, immunoconjugator, immunocontraception, immunocyte, immunocytoadherence, immunocytoadhesion, immunocytochemistry, immunodeficiency, immunodepressant, immunodepression, immunodiagnosis, immunodiagnostics, immunodiffusion, immunodominance, immunoelectroadsorption, immunoelectronmicroscopy, immunoelectrophoresis, immunoelestroosmophoresis, immunoeletroadsorption, immunoenhancement, immunoenzyme, immunoenzymology, immunofiltration, immunofluorescence, immunofluorescent, immunogen, immunogenesis, immunogenetic, immunogenetics, immunogenic, immunogenicity, immunoglobulin, immunoglobulinopathy, immunoglobulins, immunohematological, immunohematology, immunohistochemical, immunohistochemistry, immunohistology, immuno-iontophoresis, immunologic, immunological, immunologist, immunology, immunoloregulation, immunomodulator, immunomorphology, immunoneutropenia, immunopancytopenia, immunoparasitology, immunopathogenesis, immunopathology, immunopathy, immunopharmacology, immunophilin, immunophysiology, immunopolysaccharides, immunopotentiation, immunopotentiator, immunoprecipitate, immunoprecipitation, immunoprophylaxis, immunoprotection, immunoquantitation, immunoradiometry, immunoradiotherapy, immunoreaction, immunoreactive, immunoreactivity, immunoregulation, immunoregulatory, immunorepressive, immunosedimentation, immunoselection, immunosenescence, immunoserology, immunoserotherapy, immunosorbent, immunostimulant, immunosuppress, immunosuppressant, immunosuppression, immunosuppressive, immunosuppressor, immunosurgery, immunosurveillance, immunosympathectomy, immunotherapy, immunotolerance, immunotoxicology, immunotoxin, immunotransfusion, immuration, immure, immurement, immusical, immutability, immutable, immutably, immy, IMO, Imogen, imogolite, imp, IMPA, impact, impact on, impact printer, impacted, impacted fracture, impacter, impactful, impaction, impactite, impactive, impactometer, impactor, impactsound, impaint, impair, impaired, impairer, impairment, impala, impale, impaled, impalement, impaler, impalpability, impalpable, impalpably, impaludism, impanation, impanel, impansion, impar, imparadise, imparipinnate, imparisyllabic, imparity, impark, imparkation, imparl, imparlance, impart, impartation, imparted, imparter, impartial, impartiality, impartially, impartibility, impartible, imparticipable, impartment, imparts, impassability, impassable, impassably, impasse, impassibility, impassible, impassion, impassioned, impassive, impassively, impassivity, impastation, impaste, impasto, impatency, impatience, impatiens, impatient, impatiently, IMPATT, impavid, impavidity, impawn, impayable, impeach, impeachable, impeachment, impearl, impeccability, impeccable, impeccance, impeccant, impecuniosity, impecunious, impedance, impedancemeter, impedanceprobe, impedancetuner, impede, impedicellate, impedient, impediment, impedimenta, impedimental, impedimentary, impedimeter, impedimetry, impedin, impeding, impediography, impeditive, impedometer, impedor, impel, impelled, impellent, impeller, impeller-agitator, impeller-blower, impelling, impellingly, impend, impendence, impendency, impendent, impending, impenetrability, impenetrable, impenetrably, impenetrate, impenetration, impenitence, impenitency, impenitent, impenitently, impennate, imperan, imperatival, imperative, imperative mood, imperatively, imperator, imperatorial, imperceivable, imperceptibility, imperceptible, imperceptibly, imperception, imperceptive, imperceptivity, impercipience, impercipient, imperence, imperfect, imperfectible, imperfection, imperfections, imperfectivation, imperfective, imperfectly, imperfectness, imperforate, imperforated, imperforation, imperia, imperial, imperial gallon, imperialine, imperialism, imperialist, imperialistic, imperiality, imperialization, imperialize, imperially, imperials, imperil, imperilled, imperious, imperiously, imperishability, imperishable, imperishably, imperium, impermanence, impermanency, impermanent, impermeability, impermeable, impermeator, impermissibility, impermissible, impermissibly, imperonine, imperplex, imperscriptible, impersonal, impersonalise, impersonalism, impersonality, impersonalization, impersonalize, impersonally, impersonate, impersonation, impersonative, impersonator, impersonify, impertinence, impertinency, impertinent, impertinently, impertrate, imperturbability, imperturbable, imperturbably, imperturbation, imperturbed, imperviable, impervious, imperviously, imperviousness, impetiginization, impetiginous, impetigo, impetrate, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetus, impeyan, Imphal, impi, impicture, impiety, imping, impinge, impinge on, impingement, impingementcorrosion, impinger, impinging, impious, impiously, impish, impishly, impitoyable, implacability, implacable, implacably, implacental, implacentate, implant, implantable, implantation, implantodontics, implants, implastic, implausibility, implausible, implausibly, implead, impleadable, impledge, implement, implemental, implementary, implementation, implementer, implementor, impletion, implexed, implicant, implicate, implication, implicative, implicit, implicitly, implicity, implied, impliedly, implode, imploder, imploding, imploit, imploiter, imploration, implore, imploring, imploringly, implosion, implosive, impluvium, imply, impo, impolder, impolicy, impolite, impolitely, impoliteness, impolitic, impolitical, impoliticly, imponderabilia, imponderability, imponderable, imponderableness, impone, imponent, imporerished, imporosity, imporous, import, import duty, import relief, importability, importable, importance, importancy, important, importantly, importation, importcollateral, importee, importer, imports, importunate, importune, importunity, impose, imposed, imposer, imposing, imposition, impositor, impossibility, impossible, impossibly, impost, imposter, imposthume, impostor, impostume, imposture, imposturing, imposturous, imposure, impot, impotable, impotence, impotency, impotent, impotentia, impound, impoundage, impounding, impoundment, impoverish, impoverished, impoverishment, impower, impracticability, impracticable, impracticableness, impracticably, impractical, impracticality, imprecate, imprecation, imprecatory, imprecise, imprecisely, imprecision, impredicable, impredicative, impreg, impregnability, impregnable, impregnant, impregnatability, impregnate, impregnating, impregnation, impregnator, imprenation, impresa, impresario, imprescriptible, imprese, impress, impressafiner, impressed, impressed-voltage, impressibility, impressible, impressio, impression, impressionability, impressionable, impressional, impression-cup, impressionism, impressionist, impressionistic, impressive, impressive aphasia, impressively, impressiveness, impressment, impressure, imprest, imprimatur, imprimatura, imprimis, imprimitive, imprint, imprinter, imprinting, imprison, imprisonable, imprisonment, impro, improbability, improbable, improbably, improbity, improcreance, improficiency, impromptu, improper, improper fraction, improperly, impropersymbol, impropriate, impropriation, impropriator, impropriety, improv, improvability, improvable, improvably, improve, improve on, improved, improvement, improver, improverishment, improvidence, improvident, improving, improvisation, improvisational, improvisator, improvisatore, improvisatori, improvisatorial, improvisatory, improvisatrice, improvise, improviser, improvvisatore, improvvisatrice, imprudence, imprudent, imprudently, IMPS, impsonite, impuberism, impuberty, impubic, impubis, impudence, impudent, impudicity, impugn, impugnable, impugnation, impugnment, impuissance, impuissant, impulsator, impulse, impulse buy, impulse turbine, impulse-buy, impulser, impulses, impulsing, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, impulsivesound, impulsor, impunctate, impunity, impure, impurely, impureness, impurity, imput, imputability, imputable, imputation, imputative, imputatively, impute, impute to, imputed, imputrescibility, imputrescible, IMR, Imran, imref, Imroz, IMS, IMSI, IMSS, IMT, imtermittent, imu, imuran, imvite, in, in-, in a big way, in a blue mood, in a brilliant fan, in a circle, in a flash, in a hurry, in a large part, in a light vein, in a low voice, in a minute, in a moment, in a nutshell, in a sense, in a short while, in a way, in a word, in absentia, in abstracto, in abundance, in abundant supply, in accordance with, in action, in actual fact, in addition, in addition to, in advance, in all, in all ages, in all directions, in all instances, in all likelihood, in all probability, in all weathers, in an early form, in and out, in any case, in any event, in area, in arrears, in batches, in battle, in bed, in between, in brief, in bulk, in camera, in case, in case of, in chains, in charge, in charge of, in cold blood, in combination, in combination with, in common, in concert, in conclusion, in condition, in conjunction with, in consequence, in consequence of, in constant motion, in contact with, in contrast, in control, in control of, in cooperation with, in course of, in danger, in debt, in defence of, in demand, in depth, in detail, in difficulties, in dispute, in doing so, in due course, in due time, in earnest, in effect, in english, in equity, in essence, in evidence, in excess of, in extenso, in extent, in extremis, in fact, in favor of, in favour, in favour of, in force, in front, in front of, in full bloom, in full charge, in full swing, in future, in general, in good order, in good repair, in good taste, in good time, in half, in hand, in harmony with, in harness, in high gear, in high spirits, in honor of, in honour of, in itself, in kind, in large measure, in large quantities, in life, in limine, in line, in line for, in line with, in line wtih, in loco parentis, in low spirits, in memoriam, in memory of, in most cases, in nature, in need of, in no case, in no time, in no way, in one, in oneself, in operation, in order, in order that, in order to, in other words, in part, in particular, in passing, in peace, in person, in personam, in place, in place of, in point of fact, in position, in power, in practice, in praise of, in principle, in private, in proportion, in proportion to, in public, in pursuit of, in quantity, in question, in quires, in rags, in real time, in reality, in regard to, in relation to, in return, in search for, in search of, in secret, in security, in sequence, in series, in shape, in short, in short order, in showers of spark, in sight, in significant measure, in silence, in situ test, in so far as, in some cases, in some ways, in space, in spades, in spirit, in spite of, in step, in step with, in stock, in store for, in sum, in surprise, in tandem, in tears, in terms of, in terrorem, in that, in that case, in the afternoon, in the air, in the circumstances, in the control of, in the course of, in the day, in the depth of, in the direction of, in the disguise of, in the distance, in the distant future, in the end, in the evening, in the event of, in the event that, in the face of, in the final analysis, in the first place, in the flesh, in the form of, in the future, in the hands of, in the hat, in the hope of, in the interests of, in the issue, in the last place, in the lead, in the least, in the light of, in the long run, in the main, in the mass, in the meantime, in the middle, in the middle of, in the midst of, in the near future, in the nick of time, in the open, in the open air, in the past, in the public eye, in the raw, in the rear, in the running, in the same boat, in the same breath, in the sense of, in the slightest, in the spotlight, in the strict sense, in the strictest sense, in the wake of, in the way, in the way of, in the world, in theory, in this manner, in this respect, in this way, in time, in time for, in time of, in touch, in trouble, in truth, in turn, in twos and threes, in unison, in use, in vain, in vitro, in vivo, in working order, Ina, INAA, Inaba Koshi, inability, inabsorbability, inacceptable, inaccessibility, inaccessible, inaccessibly, inaccuracy, inaccurate, inact, inaction, inactivaor, inactivate, inactivating, inactivation, inactivator, inactive, inactively, inactivity, inactose, inadaptability, inadaptable, inadaptation, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately, inadequateness, inadherent, inadhering, inadhesion, inadhesive, inadmissibility, inadmissible, Inadunata, inadunate, inadvertence, inadvertency, inadvertent, inadvertently, inadvisability, inadvisable, inaequihymeniferous, Inaequipalpia, inaesthetic, inaeternum, inaffable, inagglutinable, inalienability, inalienable, inalium, inalterability, inalterable, inamorata, inamorato, inamycin, in-and-in, in-and-out, in-and-outer, inane, inanely, inang, inanga, inanimate, inanimation, inanition, inanity, inantherate, inaperturate, inaperture, inapparent, inappeasable, inappellability, inappellable, inappetence, inappetency, inappetent, inapplicability, inapplicable, inapplication, inapposite, inappositely, inappreciable, inappreciably, inappreciaple, inappreciation, inappreciative, inapprehensible, inapprehension, inapprehensive, inapproachable, inappropriate, inappropriately, inapt, inaptitude, inaptly, inaptness, inarch, inarching, inarguable, inarm, inarticulacy, Inarticulata, inarticulate, inarticulately, inartificial, inartistic, InAs, inasmuch, inasmuch as, inassimilable, inassimilation, inattention, inattentive, inattentively, inaudibility, inaudible, inaudibly, inaugural, inaugural address, inaugurate, inauguration, Inauguration Day, inaugurator, inauguratory, inauspicious, inauthentic, inauthenticity, inauthoritative, inauthoritativeness, inaxon, inbeing, inbent, in-between, inblock, inblowing, inboard, inbond, inborn, inbound, inbounds, inbox, inbreak, inbreaking, inbreath, inbreathe, inbred, inbreed, inbreeding, in-bridge, inbuilt, in-built, inburst, inby, Inc, inc., Inca, incabloc, incage, incalculability, incalculable, incalculably, incalescence, incalescent, in-calf, incamera, Incan, incandesce, incandescence, incandescency, incandescent, incandescent lamp, incandescentglobe, incant, incantation, incantatory, Incanto, incanus, incap, in-cap, incapability, incapable, incapacious, incapacitant, incapacitate, incapacitation, incapacitator, incapacity, incaparina, incapble, incapsulate, incarbonization, incarcerate, incarcerated, incarceratedplacenta, incarceration, incardinate, incarnadine, incarnant, incarnate, incarnatio, incarnation, incarnative, Incas, incase, incasement, incast, incastar, incaution, incautious, incautiously, incavation, in-cavity, incavo, INCB, incendiarism, incendiary, incendiary bomb, incendijel, incendive, incendivity, incensation, incense, incensed, incenseless, incensory, incent, incenter, incentive, incentivize, incentre, incept, inception, inceptisol, inceptive, inceptor, incertitude, incessancy, incessant, incessantly, incest, incestum, incestuous, IncFlds, inch, inchacao, inchage, Inche, inched, Incheon, incher, inches, inching, inchling, inchmeal, inchoate, inchoation, inchoative, Inchon, inchrome, inch-tool, inchworm, incidence, incidence angle, incident, incidental, incidental expense, incidental music, incidentally, incidentflow, incident-noise, incienso, incinderjell, incinerate, incineration, incinerator, incipience, incipiency, incipient, incipiently, incipit, incircle, Incirrata, incisal, incise, incised, incisiform, incising, incision, incisive, incisively, incisor, incisors, incisory, incisura, incisure, incitant, incitantia, incitation, incite, incitement, inciting, incitogram, incity, incivility, incivilization, incivism, inclasp, in-clearing, inclemency, inclement, inclinable, inclination, inclinator, inclinatorium, incline, inclined, inclined fault, inclined plane, inclinedsieve, inclining, inclinometer, inclip, inclose, inclosed, inclosure, includable, include, included, includer, includes, includible, including, inclusion, inclusion body, inclusionbody, inclusive, inclusively, INCO, incoagulability, incoagulable, incobation, incode, Incoercibility, incoercible, incog, incogitability, incogitable, incogitant, incognita, incognito, incognizable, incognizance, incognizant, incogruous, incoherence, incoherency, incoherent, incoherently, incoherentness, incohesion, incohesive, Incoloy, incombustibility, incombustible, income, income bracket, income statement, income tax, income tax return, incomer, incoming, incommensurability, incommensurable, incommensurate, incommode, incommodious, incommodity, incommunicability, incommunicable, incommunicado, incommunicative, incommutable, incommutation, incompact, incompany, in-company, incomparability, incomparable, incomparably, incompatibility, incompatible, incompatibly, incompetence, incompetency, incompetent, incompetent cervix, incompetently, incompletae, incomplete, incomplete abortion, incompleteline, incompletely, incompleteness, incompletesymbol, incompletion, incompletive, incomplex, incompliance, incompliancy, incompliant, incomposite, incompossible, incomprehensibility, incomprehensible, incomprehensibly, incomprehension, incomprehensive, incompressibility, incompressible, incomputable, incomunicado, inconceivability, inconceivable, inconceivably, inconcinnity, inconclusible, inconclusive, inconclusively, incondensability, incondensable, incondensible, incondite, inconducive, inconductivity, inconel, inconformable, inconformity, incongealable, incongruence, incongruent, incongruity, incongruous, incongruously, inconnected, inconnector, inconnu, inconsciene, inconscient, inconsciently, inconscious, inconsecutive, inconsequence, inconsequent, inconsequentia, inconsequential, inconsequently, inconsiderable, inconsiderably, inconsiderate, inconsiderately, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconsistently, inconsolable, inconsolably, inconsonance, inconsonant, inconspicuous, inconstancy, inconstant, inconstantly, inconsumable, incontestable, incontestably, incontinence, incontinent, incontinentia, incontinently, incontinuity, incontinuous, incontrollable, incontrollably, incontrovertible, incontrovertibly, inconvenience, inconveniency, inconvenient, inconveniently, inconvertibility, inconvertible, inconvincible, incooperative, incoordinate, incoordinately, incoordination, incorporable, incorporate, incorporated, incorporation, incorporation-losing, incorporative, incorporator, incorporeal, incorporeity, incorrect, incorrectly, incorrectness, incorrelate, incorret, incorrigibility, incorrigible, incorrigibly, incorrodable, incorrodible, incorrosive, incorrupt, incorruptibility, incorruptible, incorruptibly, incorruption, incorruptness, incoterms, in-country, incovenient, INCRA, incrassant, incrassate, incrassated, incrassation, increasable, increase, increased, increasedly, increaser, increasing, increasingly, increasingreturn, increate, increately, incredibility, incredible, incredibly, incredulity, incredulous, incredulously, incremate, increment, incremental, incremental cost, incrementalinductancetuner, incrementalism, incrementaltuner, incrementation, increscence, increscent, incretin, incretion, incretionary, incretodiagnosis, incretology, incretopathy, incretory, incriminate, incrimination, incriminatory, incriptions, incrop, incross, incrossbred, in-crowed, incrust, incrustant, incrustate, incrustation, incrusted, incrusting, incrustive, incrystallizable, incrystate, incubate, incubater, incubation, incubation period, incubative, incubator, incubatorium, incubatory, incubous, incubus, incudal, incudat, incudectomy, incudes, incudomalleal, inculcate, inculcation, inculcator, inculpable, inculpate, inculpation, inculpatory, incult, incumbency, incumbent, incumber, incumbrance, incunable, incunabula, incunabular, incunabulist, incunabulum, incur, incurability, incurable, incurably, incuriosity, incurious, incurment, incurred, incurrence, incurrent, incursion, incursionary, incursive, incurvariid, Incurvariidae, Incurvarioidea, incurvate, incurvation, incurvature, incurve, incurved, incus, incuse, incused, incycle, incyclophoria, incyclotropia, Ind, indaba, indagate, indagation, indagator, indalloy, Indalone, indamine, indan, indandione, indane, indanone, indanthrene, indanthrone, indanyl, in-dash, indate, indazole, indazolone, indazolyl, indebt, indebted, indebtedness, indecency, indecent, indecent exposure, indecently, indeciduate, indeciduous, indecipherability, indecipherable, indecision, indecisive, indecisively, indeclinable, indecomposability, indecomposable, indecorous, indecorously, indecorousness, indecorum, indeed, indeedy, indefatigability, indefatigable, indefatigably, indefeasibility, indefeasible, indefectible, indefective, indefensibility, indefensible, indefensibly, indefinable, indefinably, indefinite, indefinite article, indefinite integral, indefinitely, indefinitive, indeflectible, indeformable, indegree, in-degree, indehiscent, indel, indelerminate, indeliberate, indeliberately, indeliberateness, indelibility, indelible, indelible ink, indelibly, indelicacy, indelicate, indelta, indemnification, indemnificatory, indemnify, indemnitee, indemnitor, indemnity, indemonstrability, indemonstrable, indene, indenofluorene, indenoisoquinoline, indenol, indenone, indent, indentation, indented, indenter, indenting, indention, indentometer, indentor, indentors, indenture, indentureship, independence, Independence Day, Independence Hall, independency, independent, independent clause, independent of, independent variable, independentista, independently, indepth, in-depth, inderborite, inderite, indescribability, indescribable, indescribably, indestructibility, indestructible, indestructibly, indetectable, indeterminable, indeterminably, indeterminacy, indeterminate, indeterminateconstant, indeterminateform, indeterminateness, indetermination, indeterminism, indeterminist, indeterministic, indevotion, indevout, index, index finger, index fund, index number, index of refraction, index register, indexable, indexation, indexcompound, indexed, indexer, indexers, indexical, indexically, indexing, indexless, index-linked, indexterity, indextree, Indi(所有格),Ind(简号), India, India ink, India rubber, indialite, indialito, Indiaman, Indian, Indian agent, Indian club, Indian corn, Indian file, Indian giver, Indian hemp, Indian meal, Indian Mutiny, Indian Ocean, Indian paintbrush, Indian pipe, Indian poke, Indian red, Indian summer, Indian tobacco, Indiana, indianait, Indianapolis, Indianfish, Indiangrass, Indianian, Indianist, indianite, Indianization, Indianize, Indianlettuce, Indianmeal, Indianmulberry, Indianness, indiarubber, Indic, indican, indicanaemia, indicanemia, indicanmeter, indicanometer, indicanorachia, indicant, indicanuria, indicarmine, indicarminum, indicate, indicating, indicatio, indication, indicationrod, indicative, indicative mood, indicator, indicator lamp, indicatorbracket, indicator-channel, indicator-rod, indicatory, indicatrix, indices, indicia, indicial, indicium, indicolite, indicophose, indict, indictable, indictee, indicter, indiction, indictment, indictor, indie, Indies, indifference, indifferency, indifferent, indifferentism, indifferentist, indifferently, indiffusible, indiffusion, indigen, indigence, indigene, indigenization, indigenize, indigenous, indigenously, indigenousspecies, indigent, indigently, indigest, indigested, indigestibility, indigestible, indigestion, indigestive, Indigirka, indigitation, indign, indignant, indignantly, indignation, indignity, indigo, indigoid, indigolite, indigometer, indigosol, indigotic, indigotin, indigotine, Indio, indirect, indirect object, indirect tax, indirect-fired, indirection, indirectly, indiscernibility, indiscernible, indiscernibly, indiscerptible, indisciplinable, indiscipline, indiscoverable, indiscreet, indiscreetly, indiscrete, indiscretetopology, indiscretion, indiscretionary, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, indiscriminating, indiscriminatingly, indiscrimination, indiscriminative, indiscussible, indiscutable, indispensability, indispensable, indispensably, indispensible, indispose, indisposed, indisposition, indisputability, indisputable, indisputably, indissociable, indissociably, indissolubility, indissoluble, indissolvable, indissolvableness, indistinct, indistinction, indistinctive, indistinctively, indistinctly, indistinctness, indistinguishability, indistinguishable, indistinguishableness, indistinguishably, indistributable, indit, indite, inditer, inditex, inditron, indium, indivertible, indivertibly, individual, individual-assignment, individualise, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individuality, individualize, individually, individualsymbol, individuate, individuation, indivisibilities, indivisibility, indivisible, INDO, Indo-, Indo-Aryan, Indobatrachus, indocarbon, Indochina, Indo-chinese, indochinite, indocile, indocility, indocin, indococcus, indoctrinate, indoctrination, indoctrinatory, indoctrinization, indoctrinize, Indo-European, indo-europeanist, indoform, indogen, indogenide, Indo-Germanic, indo-hittite, Indo-Iranian, indol, indolal, indole, indoleacetic acid, indoleamine, indolence, indolent, indolently, indoles, indoline, indolinyl, Indological, Indologist, Indology, indomethacin, indomitable, indomitably, indone, Indonesia, Indonesian, indoor, indoor garden, indoormeet, indoors, Indo-Pacific, indophenol, Indore, indorsation, indorse, indorsee, indorsement, indorser, Indosinian, indox, indoxyl, Indra, indraft, indraught, indrawal, indrawing, indrawn, indri, Indriidae, indubitability, indubitable, indubitably, induce, induced, induced abortion, induced-fit, inducedsinusoid, inducement, inducer, inducibility, inducible, inducing, induct, inductance, inductanceswitch, inductee, inductile, inducting, induction, induction accelerator, induction coil, induction heating, inductiondynamometer, inductionism, inductionless, induction-motor, inductive, inductive reasoning, inductively, inductiveprobe, inductivetopology, inductivism, inductivist, inductivity, inductolog, inductometer, inductopyrexia, inductor, inductorium, inductosyn, inductothermy, inductuner, inductura, indue, induhvidual, indulge, indulge in, indulgence, indulgency, indulgent, indulgently, indulin, induline, indulines, indult, indumentum, induna, indunox, induplicate, indurascent, indurate, induration, indurative, indurite, Indus, indusial, indusiate, indusium, industrial, industrial arts, industrial bank, industrial engineering, industrial enterprise, industrial management, industrial park, industrial process, industrial psychology, industrial revolution, industrial union, Industrial Workers of the World, industrialisation, industrialise, industrialism, industrialist, industrialization, industrialize, industrialized, industrially, industrious, industry, indwell, indweller, indwelling, indyl, indylidene, INE, INEA, inearth, ineasure, inebriant, inebriate, inebriated, inebriation, inebriety, inebrious, inedibility, inedible, inedita, inedited, ineducability, ineducable, ineducation, ineeterminacy, ineffable, ineffably, ineffaceable, ineffective, ineffectively, ineffectiveness, ineffectivity, ineffectual, ineffectually, inefficacious, inefficacy, inefficiency, inefficient, inefficiently, inegalitarian, inelastic, inelasticity, inelegance, inelegancy, inelegant, inelegantly, ineligibility, ineligible, ineloquence, ineloquent, ineluctability, ineluctable, ineludible, inembryonate, inemia, inenarrable, inenucleable, inept, ineptitude, ineptly, inequable, inequality, inequation, inequi-, inequiaxial, inequigranular, inequilateral, inequilateralis, inequilaterally, inequipotential, inequitable, inequities, inequity, inequivalve, ineradicable, ineradicably, inerasable, inermous, inerrability, inerrable, inerrably, inerrancy, inerrant, inerratic, inert, inert gas, inertance, inertia, inertiaconstant, inertial, inertial frame, inertial guidance, inertial mass, inertial navigation, inertial navigation system, inertial reference frame, inertialess, inertially, inerting, inertinite, inertion, inertite, inertly, inertness, inertodetrinite, inescapability, inescapable, inescapably, inesculent, inesite, inessential, inessentials, inessive, inestimable, inestimably, inevasible, inevitability, inevitable, inevitably, inexact, inexactitude, inexactly, inexactness, inexcess, inexcessof, inexcitable, inexcusable, inexcusably, inexecutable, inexecution, inexertion, inexhaustibility, inexhaustible, inexhaustibly, inexhaustive, inexistence, inexistent, inexorability, inexorable, inexorably, inexpansible, inexpectancy, inexpectant, inexpedience, inexpediency, inexpedient, inexpensive, inexperience, inexperienced, inexpert, inexpertise, inexpertness, inexpiable, inexpiate, inexplainable, inexplainably, inexplicability, inexplicable, inexplicably, inexplicit, inexplorable, inexplosive, inexpressible, inexpressibly, inexpressive, inexpugnable, inexpungibility, inexpungible, inextensibility, inextensible, inextenso, inextinguishable, inextirpable, inextractable, inextremis, inextricability, inextricable, inextricably, Inez, INF, inface, infall, infallibilism, infallibility, infallible, infallibly, infalling, infamatory, infamize, infamous, infamy, infancy, infanette, infant, infant mortality, infant mortality rate, infant school, infanta, infante, infantees, infanticidal, infanticide, infanticipate, infanticulture, infantile, infantile autism, infantile paralysis, infantilism, infantility, infantilize, infantine, infantorium, infantry, infantryman, infarct, infarctate, infarcted, infarction, infare, infatuate, infatuated, infatuatedly, infatuation, infauna, infaust, INFCA, infeasibility, infeasible, infect, infectant, infected, infected with, infection, infectiontype, infectiosity, infectious, infectious disease, infectious hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, infectiousness, infective, infective agent, infectivity, infector, infectum, infecund, infecundity, infeed, infelicific, infelicitous, infelicity, infelt, infer, inferable, inferae, inference, inferential, inferential statistics, Infericornia, inferior, inferior conjunction, inferior court, inferior mesenteric artery, inferior to, inferior vena cava, inferiority, inferiority complex, inferiors, infernal, infernally, inferno, infero-, inferoanterior, inferobranchiate, inferofrontal, inferrable, inferrer, inferrible, infertile, infertility, infest, infestation, Infested, infeudation, infibulate, infibulation, infidel, infidelic, infidelity, infidelize, infield, infielder, infieldsman, infighter, infighting, in-fighting, infill, infilling, infilter, infiltrant, infiltrate, infiltration, infiltrative, infiltrator, infiltree, infiltrometer, infimum, infinite, infiniteloop, infinitely, infinitesimal, infinitesimal calculus, infinitesimality, infinitival, infinitive, infinitize, infinitude, infinity, infirm, infirmarian, infirmary, infirmation, infirmatory, infirmity, infirmly, infirmness, infitah, infix, infix notation, inflame, inflamed, inflamer, inflammability, inflammable, inflammablefreight, inflammables, inflammation, inflammatory, inflatable, inflate, inflated, inflatee, inflater, inflating, inflation, inflation rate, inflationary, inflationary spiral, inflationfactor, inflationism, inflationist, inflationitis, inflatoplane, inflator, inflect, inflectable, inflection, inflectional, inflective, inflector, inflex, inflexed, inflexibility, inflexible, inflexibly, inflexion, inflexional, inflict, inflictable, inflicter, infliction, inflictive, inflight, in-flight, inflood, inflora, inflorescence, inflorescent, inflow, inflowing, inflows, influence, influence on, influencing, influent, influential, influenza, inflump, influx, influxion, info, infobahn, infobond, infochemicals, INFOL, infold, infolding, infoliate, infomercial, infoport, inform, informal, informality, informalize, informally, informant, informatics, informatin, information, information age, information processing, information science, information superhighway, information system, information technology, information theory, informational, informationism, informationize, informationless, information-write-wire, informative, informativeness, informatory, informed, informed consent, informer, informercial, informetrics, informidable, informing, Informix, informofer, informosome, infortune, infotainment, INFOTERM, Infotom, infra, infra-, infra dig, infra-acoustic, infra-audible, infrabar, infrabasal, infrablack, Infracambrian, infracapitulum, infraciliature, Infraclass, infraclavicle, infracortical, infracostal, infracotyloid, infract, infracted, infraction, infractor, infracutaneous, infradentale, infradian, infradyne, infraepimeron, infraepisternum, infrafamily, infrafoliar, infragenital, infragranitic, infrahuman, infrahyoid, INFRAL, infralabial, infralapsarian, infralapsarianism, infralemnisc, infralittoral, inframammary, inframammillary, inframarginal, inframedian, inframicrobe, inframicro-biology, infraneritic, infranet, infraneuston, infrangibility, infrangible, infranics, infranotoligule, infraorbital, infraorder, infrapatellar, infraplacement, infraprotein, infrared, infra-red, infrared light, infrared radiation, infrared ray, infrared spectrum, infrarefraction, infrarenal, infrareticulate, infrascapularis, infrasil, infrasizer, infrasizing, infrasonic, infrasonics, infrasound, infraspecific, infraspinatus, infrasplenic, infrasternal, infrastructure, infrastucture, infrategillar, infratonsillar, infratracheal, infraversion, infrequence, infrequency, infrequent, infrequently, infression, infringe, infringement, infructescence, infructuous, infula, infumation, infunda, infunde, infundibula, infundibular, infundibulate, infundibuliform, infundibulum, infuriate, infuriating, infuriation, infusa, infuscate, infuscated, infuse, infuser, infusibility, infusible, infusion, infusionism, infusionist, infusive, infusodecoction, Infusoria, infusorial, infusorian, infusorigen, infusorium, infusum, ING, ingate, ingather, ingathering, ingberlach, ingear, Ingemar, ingeminate, ingenerate, ingenious, ingeniously, ingenital, ingenite, ingens, ingenue, ingénue, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingenuously, ingenuus, ingerence, Ingersoll, ingest, ingesta, ingestant, ingester, ingestible, ingestion, ingestive, ingle, inglenook, ingleside, ingliding, inglorious, ingloriously, ingluvies, ingluvitis, ingly, ingoing, ingot, ingot iron, ingotism, Ingots, ingotting, ingotweigher, ingrade, in-grade, ingraft, ingrain, ingrained, Ingram, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiating, ingratiation, ingratiatory, ingratitude, ingravescence, ingravescent, ingravidation, ingredient, Ingres, ingress, ingression, ingressive, Ingrid, Ingrid Bergman, ingroup, in-group, ingrowing, ingrown, ingrowth, inguen, inguinal, inguinal canal, inguinal hernia, inguinally, ingulf, ingurgitate, Ingush, Ingvaeonic, inh, inhabit, inhabitability, inhabitable, inhabitance, inhabitancy, inhabitant, inhabitation, inhabitativeness, inhabited, inhabitiveness, inhalant, inhalation, inhalation anesthesia, inhalational, inhalation-room, inhalationtoxicity, inhalator, inhalatorium, inhale, inhaler, inhalers, inharmonic, inharmonical, inharmonious, inharmony, inhaul, inhaust, inhere, inhere in, inherence, inherency, inherent, inherently, inherit, inheritable, inheritance, inheritance tax, inherited, inheritor, inheritress, inheritrix, inhesion, inhibin, inhibine, inhibit, inhibitable, inhibitant, inhibite, inhibited, inhibiter, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitive, inhibitor, inhibitors, inhibitory, inhibitoryreflex, inhibitorytoxicity, inhibitrope, inholding, inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous, inhomogenous, inhospitable, inhospitably, inhospitality, inhour, in-house, inhuman, inhumane, inhumanity, inhumanize, inhumanly, inhumation, inhume, inhumorous, inhumorously, INI, inicarone, iniencephalus, iniencephaly, inifer, iniferter, inimicable, inimical, inimically, inimitable, inimitably, iniodymus, inion, iniopagus, iniquitious, iniquitous, iniquitously, iniquity, INIS, init, initial, initial public offering, initialese, initialism, initialization, initialize, initialized, initializer, initializers, Initializing, initializtion, initially, initialpayment, initialtoxicity, initialtransconductance, initiate, initiati, initiating, initiation, initiative, initiator, initiatorin, initiator-terminator, initiatory, initiatress, initiatrix, initio, initis, inject, injecta, injectability, injectable, injectant, injectio, injection, injective, injectivity, injector, injectron, in-joke, injudicial, injudicious, Injun, injunct, injunction, injunctive, injurant, injure, injured, injured party, injuredly, injurer, injuria, injurious, injuriously, injury, injustice, ink, ink bottle, ink cartridge, Inkatron, ink-ball, inkberry, inkblot, inkblot test, inkbottle, inked, inker, inkfish, Inkheart, inkholder, inkhorn, inkiness, inking, inkiyo, inkjet, inkle, inkless, inkling, inkometer, inkosi, inkpad, inkpot, inkslinger, inkslinging, inkspot, inkstand, inkstandish, inkstone, inkwash, ink-wash, inkweed, inkwell, inkwood, inkwriter, inky, inkyo, inlace, inlaid, inland, inland bill, Inland Revenue, inland sea, inlander, inlandish, inland-sand, inlaut, inlaw, in-law, in-laws, inlay, inlayer, inlaying, inlays, inlead, inleak, inleakage, inlet, inlet manifold, inlier, inlimine, inline, in-line, inlining, inlocate, inlook, in-lot, inly, inlying, INM, inmarsat, inmate, inmeats, inmesh, in-migrant, in-migrate, in-migration, in-milling, INMM, inmost, in-movement, inn, innage, innards, innate, innate immunity, innately, innateness, innatetoxicity, innatism, innative, innavigable, inner, inner circle, inner city, inner ear, Inner Hebrides, Inner Mongolia, inner product, inner tube, inner-cooling, inner-directed, innerloop, inner-mesh, innermost, innersole, innerspring, innerstress, innervate, innervation, innerve, Inness, innholder, Innigkeit, inning, innings, inninmorite, innis, Inniskilling, innit, innkeeper, innocalation, innocence, innocency, innocent, innocently, Innocua, innocuity, innocuous, innocuously, innocuousness, innominatal, innominate, innominatum, innotate, innovate, innovation, innovational, innovationist, innovative, innovator, innovatory, innoxious, Innsbruck, innuendo, Innuit, innumerability, innumerable, innumerably, innumeracy, innumerate, innumerous, innutrient, innutrition, innutritious, innutritive, ino, inoblast, inobservance, inobservancy, inobservant, inobservantly, inobservantness, inobtrusive, inocarcinoma, inoccupation, inochondritis, inochondroma, inocula, inoculability, inoculable, inoculant, inoculate, inoculating, inoculation, inoculator, inoculum, inocystoma, inocyte, Inodes, inodorous, ino-endothelioma, ino-epithelioma, inoffensive, inoffensively, inofficial, inofficious, inogen, inogenesis, inoglia, inohymenitis, inoisture, inokosterone, inolameter, inoleiomyoma, inolin, inolith, inolomin, inomycin, inomyoma, inomyositis, inomyxoma, inoneuroma, inoperability, inoperable, inoperative, Inoperculatae, inoperculate, inopexia, inophlogosis, inophragma, inophyllous, inopolypus, inopportune, inoquiline, inorb, inorder, in-order, inordinance, inordinate, inordinately, inorfil, inorganic, inorganic chemistry, inorganic compound, inorganic phosphate, inorganiccompound, inorganics, inorganizable, inorganization, inorganized, inorgoxydant, inornate, inorrhabdomyoma, inosamine, inoscleroma, inosclerosis, inoscopy, inosculate, inosculation, inose, inosemia, inosilicate, inosinate, inosine, inosinic, inosinicase, inosiplex, inosis, inosite, inositis, inositol, inositoluria, inosituria, inosose, inosteatoma, inosuria, inotropic, in-out, inoxidability, inoxidable, inoxidizability, inoxidizable, inoxidize, inoxidized, InP, INPA, INPADOC, inpatient, in-patient, inpayment, INPC, INPFC, inphase, in-phase, in-pig, in-pile, in-plant, inpolar, inpolygon, inpolyhedron, in-position, inpour, inpouring, in-processing, inpunctate, input, input data, input device, input file, input signal, input/output, input-output, inqilab, inquartation, inquest, inquiet, inquietly, inquietness, inquietude, inquiline, inquilinism, inquilinous, inquinant, inquire, inquirer, inquiring, inquiry, inquiry-with-update, inquisite, inquisition, inquisitional, inquisitionist, inquisitive, inquisitively, inquisitor, inquisitorial, inquisitress, inquorate, inradius, in-residence, inreversible, INRI, inrigger, inroad, inroads, inrooted, inructation, inrun, inrush, inrushing, ins, Ins., INSA, INSACS, insalivate, insalivation, insalubrious, insalubrity, insalutary, insane, insane asylum, insanely, insaneness, insanitary, insanitation, insanity, INSAR, INSAT, insatiability, insatiable, insatiably, insatiate, insaturation, InSb, inscape, inscattering, inscience, inscient, INSCOM, inscribable, inscribe, inscribed, inscriber, inscribing, inscript, inscription, inscriptionless, inscriptive, inscroll, inscrutability, inscrutable, inscrutably, insculp, insculptate, INSDOC, inseam, insect, insect bite, insect repellent, insecta, insectaria, insectarium, insectary, insect-borne, insect-box, insecticidal, insecticide, insecticin, insecticyanin, insectiform, insectifuge, insectile, insection, insectival, insectivization, insectivize, Insectivora, insectivore, insectivorous, insectochorous, insectocution, insectofungicide, insectology, insectorubin, insectoverdin, insectoverdins, insect-paste, insects, insectual, insecure, insecurely, insecurity, inselberg, inseminate, insemination, insensate, insensibility, insensible, insensibly, insensitive, insensitiveness, insensitivity, insentient, inseparability, inseparable, inseparably, inseparate, in-sequence, inseries, insert, inserted, inserter, insertio, insertion, inserts, in-service, insessorial, inset, inseverable, inseverably, inshallah, insheathe, inshoot, inshore, inshot, inshrine, inside, inside caliper, inside information, inside job, inside out, inside passage, inside track, insidehand, insider, insider trading, insiders, insides, insidious, insight, insightful, insights, insigne, insignia, insignificance, insignificancy, insignificant, insincere, insincerely, insincerity, insinkability, insinuate, insinuating, insinuation, insinuative, insipid, insipidity, insipidly, insipidness, insipience, insipient, insist, insist on, insistence, insistency, insistent, insistently, insition, insititious, INSMAT, insnare, insobriety, insociable, insofar, insofar as, insolate, insolation, insole, insolence, insolent, insolently, insoles, insolilith, insolubility, insolubilize, insolubilizer, insoluble, insolubles, insolvable, insolvency, insolvent, insomnia, insomniac, insomnic, insomnious, insomnolence, insomuch, insonate, insonify, insorb, insouciance, insouciant, insoul,


3G, 401(K), a,


VOA常速英语(视频版)- 2022年合集

In Paete, Laguna, each house are doing some wood carving.


VOA常速英语(视频版)- 2022年合集

I was born in Paete, Laguna, known for wood carving capital of the Philippines.



Grinling Gibbons, England's 17th-century genius of wood carving, was the god of the place.



It contained an admirable collection of furniture, pictures, wood carvings, and faience.





TED演讲(音频版) 2018年9月合集

This is a wood carving made by members of the Zuni tribe in New Mexico.




这是一座庄严的古老教堂,拥有精美的木雕和 16 世纪的伟管风琴。

剑桥雅思听力全真试题 7

The area have been famous centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blanket and wood carving.



I also tried my hand at soap and wood carving, and read a number of books on the subject and found it fascinating.

我还尝试了肥皂和木雕, 并阅读了一些有关该主题的书籍, 并发现它很吸引人。


Exploring further, one finds old inscriptions waiting to be read, ancient wood carvings waiting to be admired, and timeless stories waiting to be discovered.


What it takes 名人访谈

At Duke University, we have a beautiful cathedral, and in the cathedral, there's an altar — and there are a lot of wood carvings, and it's just amazing.



The area have been famous centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blanket and wood carving. The people are extremely friendly and welcoming.




institutor, INSTMC, instoscope, instreaming, instroke, instron, instruct, instruction, instruction book, instruction manual,


3G, 401(K), a,
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