In this paper, a MTT-based semiautomated colormetric assay was used to study the sensitivity difference among eight cultured insect cell lines to Methomyl pesticide.
Methods LoVo cell line was cultured using nitrocellulose membrane as the culture medium, in parallel with the same cell culture on the coverglass which served as control.
In order to study the role of bone sialoprotein(BSP) in the metastasis of breast cancer cells to bones,a breast cancer cell line stably expressing BSP should be established.
It is concluded that for the first time the present study shows that plumbagin can inhibit cell proliferation, block cell cycle and induce apoptosis of APL cell line NB4 cells.
Encourage pluripotent cell lines to specialize and generate particular tissue types such as cerebral cortex cells, which if handled correctly can be grown into organoids.
We've been able to reintroduce genetics from the past, we took a domestic ferret and we impregnated that domestic ferret with the clone of a 33-year-old cell line Elizabeth Ann.
Through this immortalized, continuously cultured cell line, cancer research has advanced, vaccines have been developed, gene mapping has taken place, and treatments of various diseases have been studied and undertaken.
While this groundbreaking biomedical research was taking place, only a handful of people could trace the HeLa cell line origins back to a poor, 31-year old black woman with cervical cancer.
当这一开创性的生医学研究正在进行时,只有少数人能够将 HeLa 细的起源追溯到一名患有宫颈癌的 31 岁贫困黑人妇女。
And George Guy started calling his colleagues and saying, I think I have the first immortal human cell line, which is what they're called, which means they'll just grow and divide forever.
While the development of some coronavirus vaccines is tied to research in cell lines derived from aborted fetuses many years ago, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not use or include any fetal tissue.