| 划词

Given the bumpiness of the road ahead, you might be better off with a crash helmet.




colloidin, colloidization, colloidize, colloidoclasia, colloidogen, colloidopexy, colloidophagy, colloidox, colloids, colloma, collonema, collop, collophane, collophanite, collophony, collophore, colloquia, colloquial, colloquialism, colloquialist, colloquially, colloquist, colloquium, colloquize, colloquy, collose, collosol, collotype, colloxylin, colltype, collude, collulum, collum, collunarium, collusion, collusite, collusive, collut., collutorium, collutory, colluvia, colluvial, colluviation, colluvium, colly, collyr., collyria, Collyritidae, collyrium, collywobbles, Colman, colmascope, colmatage, colmation, Colmonoy, Colnova, colo-, Colo., Colobidae, coloboma, colobus, colocasia, co-locate, co-location, colocecostomy, colocentesis, colocleisis, coloclysis, coloclyster, colocolostomy, colocynth, colocynthidism, colodyspepsia, colog, cologarithm, cologenide, Cologne, cololysis, Colomat, Colombia, Colombian, colombianite, colombier, Colombo, colombophile, colometrogram, colometrometer, colomony, colomycin, colon, colon cancer, colone, colonel, colonelcy, colonelship, colonia, colonial, colonial expansion, colonialism, colonialist, colonialistic, colonic, colonics, colonise, colonist, colonitis, colonization, colonize, colonizer, colonnade, colonnaded, colonnette, colonofiberscope, colonofiberscopy, colonometer, colonopathy, colonorrhagia, colonorrhea, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colonus, colony, colonychia, colopathy, colopexostomy, colopexotomy, colophon, colophony, coloplication, coloproctectomy, coloproctitis, coloproctosomy, coloptosis, colopuncture, coloquintida, color, color bar, color blindness, color chart, color guard, color line, color scheme, color vision, colorable, colorably, colorado, Colorado beetle, Colorado Desert, Colorado Plateau, Colorado potato beetle, Colorado Springs, Coloradoan, coloradoite, colorama, colorant, colorate, coloration, coloratlas, colorator, coloratura, colorature, color-bar, color-bearer, colorblind, color-blind, color-blindness, colorcast, color-code, color-compensating, colordisc, colorectal, colorectitis, colorectostomy, colored, colored filter, colorfast, colorflexer, colorful, Colorgraph, colorific, colorimeter, colorimetric, colorimetric analysis, colorimetrictitration, colorimetry, coloring, coloring book, colorist, colority, colorize, colorized, color-key, colorless, colorman, Colormatrix, colorplate, colorradical, color-ratio, colorrhaphy, colors, color-sensitive, color-sergeant, colorspace, ColorSpy, colortec, colortip, colortransmission, color-under, color-wash, colorway, colory, colosigmoidostomy, colossal, Colossendeidae, colosseum, colossi, Colossian, Colossians, colossus, colostomy, colostration, colostrokinin, colostrorrhea, colostrum, colotomy, colotype, colotyphoid, colour, colour bar, colour blindness, colour scheme, colour television, colourable, colourably, colourant, colouration, colourbearer, colour-blind, colourbred, colourbreed, colourcast, coloured, colouredness, colourfast, colourfilter, colourflexer, colourful, colourific, colourimetry, colouring, colouringsubstance, colour-in-oil, colourist, colourity, colourize, colourless, colourlesssubstance, colourman, colourometry, colourplate, colourplexer, Colourpoint, colourprinting, colour-purity, colours, colourscheme, colourtron, colouruniformity, colourway, coloury, colpalgia, colpatresia, colpectasia, colpectasis, colpectomy, colpedema, colpemphraxis, colpeo, colpeurysis, colpismus, colpitis, colpocace, colpocele, colpoceliocentesis, colpoceliotomy, colpocleisis, colpocystitis, colpocystocele, colpocystosyrinx, colpodesmorrhaphy, colpodynia, colpohysteropexy, colpohysterorrhaphy, colpohysterotomy, colpoid, colpolaparotomy, colpomicroscope, colpomicroscopy, colpomycosis, colpomyomectomy, colpoovariectomy, colpoperineoplasty, colpoperineorrhaphy, colpopexy, colpoplasty, colpoptosis, colporate, colporrhagia, colporrhaphy, colporrhexis, colportage, colporteur, colposalpingectomy, colposcope, colposcopy, colpostat, colpostegnosis, colpostenosis, colpostenotomy, colpotomy, colpoxerosis, colpus, COLREGS, colt, colter, coltish, Colts, coltsfoot, colubrid, Colubridae, colubrine, colugo, colulus, Colum, Columba, columbamine, columbarium, columbary, columbate, Columbia, Columbia University, Columbian, columbic, columbin, columbine, columbite, columbium, columbomicrolite, columbous, columbrin, Columbus, Columbus Day, columbyl, columella, columellae, columelliform, column, column chromatography, column inch, columna, columnal, columnar, columned, columniation, columniform, column-inch, columning, columnist, columnization, column-rank, columns, colure, colusite, Colva, Colvadur, Colvin, colwick, coly, colyphrenia, colza, colza oil, COM, com-, Com., coma, Coma Berenices, COMAC, comake, comaker, comal, comanagement, co-manager, comanchaca, Comanche, Comanchean, Comanchian, COMAND, comandante, comania, Comasteridae, comate, comatose, comatula, comatulid, Comatulida, comb, Comb Jelly, combarloy, combat, combat fatigue, combat zone, combatant, combative, combatively, combativity, combat-ready, combat-worthy, combe, combed, combeite, comber, combi, combinability, combinableness, combination, combination lock, combinational, combinationlathe, combinations, combination-venose, combinative, combinator, combinatorial, combinatorialtopology, combinatorics, combinatory, combinatus, combine, combine with, combined, combine-harvester, combiner, combing, combings, combining, combining form, combining weight, combi-rope, comble, combo, combobox, comboloio, combos, comb-out, comboys, comb-papilla, Combretaceae, combridge, combs, comburant, comburent, comburimeter, combust, combustibility, combustible, combustible material, combustibleness, combustiblerefuse, combustibles, combustiblesubstance, combustion, combustion-supporting, combustive, combustor, comby, COMCM, COMDEX, come, come about, come across, come across sb, come after, come alive, come along, come apart, come around, come away, come back, come back to life, come before, come between, come down, come down on, come due, come forth, come forward, come from, come home, come in, come in for, come in handy, come into, come into being, come into effect, come into power, come near, come of, come of age, come off, come on, come out, come out with, come over, come over sb, come round, come sth to light, come this way, come through, come to, come to hand, come to life, come to light, come to nothing, come to nought, come to sb, come to terms with sb, come to terms with sth, come to the fore, come to the point, come to the rescue, come together, come true, come under, come under heavy criticism, come up, come up against, come up smiling, come up to, come up with, come upon, come-along, come-and-go, come-at-able, comeback, COMECON, comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedies, comedietta, comedist, comedo, comedocarcinoma, comedomastitis, comedones, comedown, come-down, comedy, come-hither, comeliness, comeling, comely, comendite, comentropy, come-off, come-on, come-outer, comer, COMERO, comes, Comesomatidae, comestible, comestibles, comet, co-metabolism, cometary, comether, cometic, cometography, cometophobia, comets, comeuppance, come-uppance, come-uptime, Comex, CoMFA, comfily, comfimeter, comfinement, comfit, comformity, comfort, comfort food, comfort station, comfort zone, comfortable, comfortably, comforter, comforting, comfortless, comfortlessly, comfortlessness, comfrey, COMfuel, comfy, comic, comic book, comic opera, comic strip, comical, comicality, comically, comics, COMINCH, Cominform, coming, coming back, coming-in, coming-of-age, coming-on, comingout, coming-out, comings and goings, comint, Comintern, comique, comirin, Comisco, COMIT, comitadji, comitalia, comitative, comitia, comitiva, comitragedy, comity, comix, Comleyan, comlognet, comm., comma, comma bacillus, command, command language, command line, command module, command post, command prompt, commandable, commandant, commandcode, commanddoman, commandeer, commander, commander in chief, Commanderia, commander-in-chief, commandership, commandery, commanding, commanding officer, commandism, commandment, commando, commandress, commands, commandstation, command-string, commasculation, commaterial, COMMCEN, commeasurable, commeasure, commelinaceae, commelinin, commemorable, commemorate, commemoration, commemorative, commemoratory, commence, commencement, commencement ceremony, commend, commendable, commendably, commendam, commendation, commendatory, commensal, commensalism, commensurability, commensurable, commensurate, commensuration, comment, commentary, commentary on, commentate, commentator, commentcode, commenter, comments, commerbund, commerce, Commerce Department, commerce-destroyer, commercial, commercial agency, commercial art, commercial artist, commercial bank, commercial credit, commercial law, commercial letter of credit, commercial loan, commercial message, commercial paper, commercialese, commercialise, commercialism, commercialist, commercialistic, commercialization, commercialize, commercially, commercialpar, commercioganic, commerciogenic, commie, comminate, commination, comminatory, commingle, commingler, commingling, comminjute, comminute, comminuted fracture, comminuter, comminution, comminutions, commis, commiserable, commiserate, commiseratingly, commiseration, commiserative, commision, commissar, commissarial, commissariat, commissary, commission, commission on human rights, Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Commission plan, commission-agent, commissionaire, commissioned, commissioned officer, commissioner, commissionership, commissioning, commissura, commissurae, commissural, commissure, commissuroplasty, commissurotomy, commit, commit oneself, commit suicide, commitment, committal, committed, committee, committee member, committeeman, committeewoman, commix, commixture, commode, commodify, commodious, commodiously, commodity, Commodity Exchange, commodity-equivalents, commodore, Commodore-in-Chief, common, common bile duct, common carrier, common cold, common denominator, common divisor, common era, common factor, common fraction, common ground, common land, common law, common logarithm, common man, Common Market, common measure, common multiple, common noun, common room, common salt, common seal, common sense, common stock, common time, common year, commonable, commonage, commonality, commonalty, common-base, common-collector, commoner, commonland, common-law, commonly, commonness, common-or-garden, commonplace, commonplaceer, commons, commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, commonweal, commonwealth, Commonwealth Day, Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth of Dominica, Commonwealth of Independent States, Commonwealth of Nations, commorant, commotio, commotion, commove, communal, communalism, communalist, communalistic, communality, communalize, communally, Communard, commune, communes, communicable, communicable disease, communicant, communicate, communicatee, communicatingcode, communication, communication channel, communication equipment, communication system, communication theory, communications, communications protocol, communications satellite, communicative, communicative competence, communicativeness, communicator, communicatory, communion, communionist, communique, communis, communise, communism, communist, Communist Manifesto, Communist Party, communistic, communist-led, communitarian, community, community center, community chest, community college, community property, community service, community-based-rehabilitation, communitywide, communization, communize, communologist, commutability, commutable, commutant, commutants, commutate, commutation, commutation ticket, commutationswitch, commutative, commutativity, commutator, commutator-rectifier, commute, commuter, commuter train, commuterdom, commuterland, commuterville, commuting, commy, COMMZ, COMNAVAIRLANT, COMNAVAIRPAC, COMNAVCENT, COMNAVFE, COMNAVFOR, Como, Co-mo, comodo, comodule, comol, comolecule, comonomer, comopt, Comoran, Comorin, Comoro, Comoro Islands, Comoros, comorphism, Comos, comose, comospore, comous, comp, compact, compact car, compact disc, compact disk, compactability, compactablility, compacted, compactedness, compact-grain, compactibility, compactible, compactification, compacting, compaction, compactivity, compactly, compactness, compactor, compactron, compacttopology, compactum, compadre, compages, compaginate, compalox, compander, companding, compandor, companile, companion, companion way, companionable, companionably, companionate, companions, companionship, companionway, companion-way, company, company man, Company Name, Compaq, comparability, comparable, comparable to, comparable with, comparably, comparand, comparascope, compa-ratios, comparatist, comparative, comparative anatomy, comparative literature, comparative psychology, comparatively, comparativist, comparativistics, comparator, comparator-densitometer, comparator-sorter, compare, compare to, compare with, compared, compared to, compared with, compare-exchange, comparer, comparing, comparison, comparison-shop, comparoscope, compart, compartition, compartment, compartmental, compartmentalization, compartmentalize, compartmentation, compass, compass card, compass plane, compass point, compassable, compasses, compassion, compassionate, compassionate leave, compasslng, compassplane, compasssaw, compasstimber, compasswindow, compathy, compatibility, compatibilization, compatibilizer, compatible, compatible software, compatibly, compatilizer, compatriot, compazine, compe&2&re, compeer, compel, compellation, compelled, compellent, compelling, compels, compend, compendatrix, compendency, compendia, compendiary, compendious, compendiously, compendium, compens, compensability, compensable, compensate, compensated control, compensating, compensating balance, compensation, compensationresistor, compensative, compensator, compensatory, compensatory damages, compensatrix, compenzine, compere, compère, compessure, compete, compete with, competence, competency, competent, competently, competitin, competition, competitive, competitiveness, competitiveroute, competitiveswimming, competitor, competitory, competitress, compilation, compilatory, compile, compile-and-go, compiled, compiler, compiler-compiler, compilerswitch, compiling, compiling program, compital, complacence, complacency, complacent, complacently, complain, complain of, complainant, complaining, complainingly, complaint, complaisance, complaisant, complanarity, complanate, complanatine, complanation, complaster, compleat, complect, complected, complement, complement fixation, complemental, complementarity, complementary, complementary color, complementary distribution, complementary DNA, complementarymorpheme, complementation, complemented, complementer, complementing, complementizer, complementoid, complement-on-nine, complement-on-one, complement-on-ten, complement-on-two, complementophil, complementor, completable, complete, complete blood count, completeblade, completed, completedictionary, completely, completeness, completer, completion, completist, completive, complex, complex conjugate, complex fraction, complex instruction set computer, complex ion, complex number, complex sentence, complexant, complexation, complexes, complexible, complexification, compleximetry, complexing, complexiometry, complexion, complexional, complexioned, complexionless, complexities, complexity, complex-marker, complexometry, complexon, complexone, complexones, complexor, complexsound, complextransformation, complexus, compliable, compliableness, compliably, compliance, compliancy, compliant, compliantly, complicacy, complicant, complicate, complicated, complication, complice, complicit, complicitous, complicity, complier, compliment, complimental, complimentary, complin, compline, complon, complot, complotype, compluvium, comply, complyingly, compnserve, compo, compo-casting, compole, compo-mould, componendo, component, component part, componential, components, components of cells, comport, comportable, comportment, compos mentis, compose, composed, composedly, composedness, compose-message, composer, composertron, composing, Compositae, composite, composite number, composite material, composite number, compositeness, compositequantity, compositeturnover, compositing, composition, compositional analysis, compositionalism, composition-factors, compositionmetal, compositive, compositor, compositron, composmentis, compossible, compost, compost heap, compost-applier, composting, composts, composure, compotation, compotator, compote, compotier, compound, compound interest, compound eye, compound fracture, compound interest, compound microscope, compound number, compound pendulum, compound sentence, compoundanimal, compounded, compounder, compounder-extruder, compound-filled, compounding, compoundingroom, compoundsubstance, compound-wound, comprador, compradore, compral, compreg, comprehend, comprehendingly, comprehensibility, comprehensible, comprehensibly, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensive examination, comprehensive school, comprehensively, comprehensivize, compress, compressed, compressed air, compressed gas, compressibility, compressible, compressing, compressingrubber, compression, compression fracture, compressional, compression-side, compressive, compressometer, compressor, compressorblade, compressor-expandor, compressure, comprex, comprimario, comprint, comprisable, comprisal, comprise, comprizal, comprize, compromise, compromising emanations, comprovincial, compt, compter-TV, comptograph, comptometer, Compton, comptroller, comptroller general, Comptroller of the Currency, compu-, compulsator, compulsion, compulsionist, compulsive, compulsively, compulsorily, compulsory, compunction, compunctious, compunication, compuphone, compurgation, compurgator, CompuServe, computability, computable, computalk, computation, computational, computational linguistics, computative, computator, compute, computed tomography, compute-limited, computer, computer architecture, computer code, computer database, computer game,


3G, 401(K), a,


经济 Crash Course

Incentives and competition made society better off.



You'd be better off, well, you'd be better off dead, right?

还是死掉得了 不是吗?


" Honestly, we're much better off without her."



We'd be better off if you did!

如果喝了 咱还能过一点!


So, the person is better off dead.



We'd be far better off with a different approach.



Some would be better off with " manager" CEOs.



So the sooner we start, the better off we will be.



Trust me, you are better off without her.



Well, they make society better off.



You will be better off with sword you trusted.



No, maybe I'd be better off without you.


当月 科学60秒-科学美国人

So you're honestly better off flipping a coin.


Lost Girl S03

Oh, sweetie, you'll be better off for it.

哦 亲爱的 们在这里会过的更


I think Michelle is better off staying where she is.



Will my family and I truly be better off by going it alone?



I wonder if we'd have been better off in the cellar.



I think the world would be better off without it.



And trust me, it's better off staying right there!



You're better off keeping your distance.




computistical, computor, computus, computyper, comrade, comrade-in-arms, comradeliness, comradely, comradery, comrades,


3G, 401(K), a,
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