I have four letters to dictate.
I heard that the last four letters were dubba-you, ex, why, zee.
Marsha, these are letters to my family and friends back at home......four letters!
Four letters in three months and this is the first mention of Kathleen Johns?
三个来 这是第一提到凯萨琳琼斯的?
They've got a repeating four- letter word ending with two symbols that stand for L.
现在他们找到好几个两个一样符号的 个字的字。
The code comes out to be a fairly simple alphabet, four letters: A, T, C and G.
这个遗传密码由简单的字表组成,个字,A,T,C和G (碱基)。
" Fast" has four letters and four sounds.
Can you fit that into your four letter code?
And it's just a cool four letter word.
Imagine what it would be like if the English alphabet had four letters.
想象一下, 如果英文字表有个字会是什么样子。
One of the two brother actors. Bridges. Four letters.
兄弟演员之一 姓布里吉斯 名字是个字。
So all life on this planet is made in ATCGs, the four letters of DNA.
所以这个星球上的所有生命都是由 ATCG 构成的,即 DNA 的个字。
Sometimes three or four letters together can make one sound.
Don’t get me too excited because I use four letter words when I get excited.
不要让我太兴奋, 因为当我兴奋时我会使用个字的单词。
Part four: letters and sounds are not always the same thing.
We also have another radio station, called " KNBC." Usually radio and television stations have four letters.
我们还有另一个广播电台,叫做“KNBC” 。 通常电台和电视台有个字。
It was too simple. It had just four basic components, called nucleotides, which was like having an alphabet of just four letters.
And then we hear it's on City Road, then the road to the right and we see three, oh actually four letters there.
These four letters of the genetic alphabet combine in various sequences to form the instructions for building all life on Earth.
As early as the 1970s, geneticists were transforming the four letters of DNA sequences into tunes that were, well, not exactly chart-topping.
早在 20 世纪 70 代,遗传学家就将 DNA 序列的个字转化为曲调,嗯,并不完全是排行榜上的佼佼者。
After I was able to make four letters, I would tell any boy who could write that I could write as well as he did.