A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a matchbox, half open, lay beside the inkpot.
Daylight came. Prince lay there, unmoving, his eyes half open.
On reaching home, he found the house door half open.
Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door, staring at Mary, their mouths half open.
" I don't like the way that door looks. It's half open." The Fairy closed the door.
A door conducting to a narrow staircase stood half open.
Getting up again she half opened the door, and said " Richard" .
她再次站起来, 半开门,“德” 。
An oncoming car hit the door which was half open.
It was half open and clenched stiff, as if it was still holding the instrument.
它半开,紧紧地攥, 好像还在器。
The door stood half open, and the fire made a quiet ticking now and then.
After several minutes had elapsed, she heard footsteps, the door was half opened and a nun appeared.
几分钟后,她听到脚步声, 门半开,一位修女出现了。
Another way can be leaving the curtains half open before sleep — the sunshine in the morning can slowly wake you up.
The nurse, Mrs. Medlock and Martha had been standing huddled together near the door staring at her, their mouths half open.
A frothy, serous fluid flowed continuously from the cavity of the mouth, the nostrils and ears. The mouth was half open.
8. 从口腔、鼻孔和耳朵不断流出泡沫状浆液。嘴半张。
He left the window half open, pushed aside a table that blocked the way, and put his revolvers under his pillow.
他让窗户半开, 推开挡路的桌子, 把左轮手枪放在枕头底下。
When I got to her mouth it was half open and burning and her tongue was a darting snake between her teeth.
On the floor lay a soiled undergarment of cheap silk a little too pink, from a half open bureau drawer dangled a single stocking.
地板上放一件脏兮兮的廉价丝绸内衣, 有点太粉红了, 半开的抽屉里挂一只长袜。
Jo peeped into his half–open eye, felt his little heart, and finding him stiff and cold, shook her head, and offered her domino box for a coffin.
I saw the rooms that I was never to see again; here, a door half open; there, a door closed; all the articles of furniture around.
There were all the potentialities for romantic love in that lovely body and in the delicate mouth, sometimes tight, sometimes expectantly half open to the world.
He made a silent signal toward the next room, where the door was half open and where Aureliano knew that Gaston was beginning to write a letter.