The major aromas were hexylic acid ethyl ester, benzyl ethanol, octylic acid and octylic acid ethyl ester.
phthalate esters
The major aromas were hexylic acid ethyl ester, benzyl ethanol, octylic acid and octylic acid ethyl ester.
The research provided the applicable functional monomer leading urethano into acrylic ester.
The toxicity effect of 6 carbamic ester pesticides on Anabaena flos-aquae was studied.
The preparation of penicillin G sulfoxide p-nitrobenzyl ester from penicillin G was studied.
Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) is widely used in the reaction for synthesis of esters and amides as a condensation agent.
The content of xanthophyl fatty acid ester obtained is 70-80%, wherein the content of all-trans xanthophyl ester is 90-95%.
By using phase transfer catalyst, the yield of the preparation of cyclopropane carboxylic isopropyl ester was increased.
Tannase hydrolyses the ester bonds and depside bonds in gallic acid tannins to release gallic acid and glucose.
The results revealed that there was the toxicity effect of 6 different carbamic ester pesticides on Anabaena flos-aquae.
Ingredient: KL sublimation medicinal preparation 80%, dextrorotary alkyne fifth heavenly stem chrysanthemum ester 2-3%, function medicinal preparation 1- 3%.
KL升华剂80%,右旋炔戊菊酯2-3%,功能剂1- 3%。
Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester.
The cold-fust of the plasticzing agent that use it as material is better than the ester of Butanone and Octanol.
The ore sample was dissolved in nitric acid.After enrichment and separation with Xanthic ester cotton,the silver was determined by thiocyanometry.
A novel family of ester acetal molecular glass materials has been created by the reaction between monocarboxylic acid and divinyl ethers.
It is found that incorporation of a trifunctional carboxylic ester or silane coupling agent can improve the adhesion of coatings on glass.
The results showed that the main compound categories of aromatic components were alcohols, esters, terpenes and ketones for all half-highbush blueberry cultivars.
Archaean cell walls lack murein, a common component of bacterial cell walls, and their lipids have ether links rather than ester links.
There are two reactive groups, amino and butoxy in the borate ester molecule.The structure of the borate ester was characterized by IR spectrum.
Tussore oil was extracted by chemical .The fatty acid (FA) in tussore oil was saponificated and modified to methyl esters by different means .
Flame retardant vinyl ester resin using tetrabromo bisphenol A, epichlorohydrin, acrylic acid as raw materials was also synthesized, Its flame retardant property was excellent.