The simulation results show that,compared with the protocols,EDGK is better in the group rekey success ratio and delay in mobile Ad hoc network environment.
But it's not a return to open ports. Italy remains insistent on European solidarity in terms of redistributing rescued migrants and not just on an ad hoc basis.
Your columnist, a guest Bartleby, decided to consider her own game plan by going to a private club in Mayfair for an ad hoc coaching session with Ms Lueneburger.
But you know, every time you get an opportunity to give your child a little ad hoc maths lesson, you know, like you're paying for the bills somewhere, challenge them to do the math.
The empire pursued power — not merely spiritual but physical — in the sense in which Constantine issued his army order the year before, at the battle of the Milvian Bridge: In hoc signo vinces!
帝国追求权力——不仅是神上的, 而且是物质上的——就像君士坦丁一年前在米尔维安桥战役中发布的军队命令:In hoc signo vinces!
Days after the disaster, frustrated residents in West Maui said that they were receiving far more help from an ad hoc network of volunteers, some ferrying supplies in their own boats, than they were from the government.
The goal is to basically recognize that if these issues get raised, you've got a process to move forward to handle them, rather than either being ad hoc or rather to be under the whim of a particular director or curator.