Shadow cabinet members listed in bold .
By the beginning of March 1931, almost every member of Baldwin's shadow cabinet believed that he should step aside, but a convincing Conservative by-election victory later that month allowed Baldwin to reassert his authority.
到 1931 年 3 月初, 鲍德温子
的几乎所有成员都认为他应该下台, 但当月晚些时候,保守党在补选中取得令人信服的胜利, 使鲍德温得以重新确立自己的权威。
There are more former special advisers around the shadow cabinet table than there were the Brown government in 2010. I think that reflects how important institutional memory is to Keir Starmer's conception of how institutions work, how they become effective.
席位上的前特别顾问数量比 2010 年布朗政府的数量还多。 我认为这反映了机构记忆对于凯尔·斯塔默关于机构如何运作、如何发挥作用的概念有多么重要。