A Notre Dame alumna, she will be the only justice who did not graduate from Harvard or Yale.
Alumnae speak of Evin as a university.
校 Evin 称为一所大学。
Alumnus and alumna are the corresponding singular forms.
Alumnus 和 alumna 是相应的单数形式。
A musical featuring the songs of Tisch alumna Lady GaGa.
一台具有悌西校Lady GaGa特色的音乐剧。
Between 1906 and 1912 Golda attended the Fourth Street School, now known as the Golda Meir School after its most famous alumna.
1906 年至 1912 年间, 就读于第四街学校,该学校以其最著名的校而闻名, 现称为·梅厄学校。
Members and former members issued threats to Yale alumna and journalist, Alexandra Robbins, when she attempted to lift the lid on what happens in this secret society.
当耶鲁校兼记者亚历山德拉· 罗宾斯 ( Alexandra Robbins)试图揭开这个秘密社团发生的事情的真相时, 成员和前成员向她发出了威胁。