It's got a lot of documents, annexes, supplements.
If Israel annexes, the EU says Israel would face repercussions.
And every evening after dinner he would go down to the annexe with Ata.
Putting hard numbers on some of these compromises and attaching definitions, writing up technical annexes — that's an enormous task.
But the thought of being out of the annexe was appealing.
Ata has a very nice room in the annexe. Live with her for a month, and see how you like her.
One of their homes had been owned by a conjuror who studied the occult in a secret annexe.
On Monday evening, she asked if Camilla and I would come with Nathan into the annexe.
Since my conversation with Nathan in the annexe, I had been filled with a renewed zeal to prove them all wrong.
自从我在附楼与内森谈话后,我充满了新的热情, 证明他们都错了。
I could hear it echoing beyond the annexe door.
I watched some television, ate, and cleared up the kitchen, drifting around the annexe in silence.
我看了会儿电视, 吃了点东西, 收拾了厨房,默默地在附楼里转来转去。
I hauled the wood as slowly as possible, letting myself in to the annexe, and walked slowly back down the corridor.
我尽可能慢地拖着木头, 让自己进入附楼,然后沿着走廊慢慢走回去。
I made picnics and we sat out on the edges of fields, just enjoying the breeze and being away from the annexe.
我做了野餐, 我们坐在田野的边缘,享受微风,远离附楼。
There are two steps between the annexe and the main house, and without Nathan's help he could not traverse them.
附楼和主屋之间有两级台阶,没有内森的帮助, 他无法通过它们。
We'll just take our boring little walk and go back to the boring little annexe.
'She did this annexe, when I first moved in.
It might be better if we have these conversations away from the annexe.
It was as if he had been holding on until both his mum and Louisa had left the annexe.
'I –' At that moment the door to the annexe opened, and Mr Traynor stood there, a newspaper folded under his arm.
“我——” 在这时, 附楼的门开了,特雷纳先生站在那里, 胳膊下夹着一张报纸。
The annexe's living room was deceptively large, and one wall consisted entirely of glass doors that looked out over open countryside.
附楼的起居室看似很大,一堵墙完全由玻璃门组成, 可以俯瞰开阔的乡村。