" Un banco de dix millions, " he announced.
“Un banco de dix millions, ” 布。
" Un banco de quatre millions, " said the croupier.
“Un banco de quatre millions,”荷官说。
" Un banco de deux millions, " said the croupier.
“Un banco de deux millions,”荷官说。
By scraping the barrel, he had just sixteen million francs left, exactly the amount of the next banco.
刮桶,只剩下一千六百万法郎, 正好是下一家银行的金额。
He made a high banco at chemin-de-fer whenever he heard one offered.
听到有人提议时, 都会在 chemin-de-fer 开出一大笔钱。
He would hate to see more than ten or fifteen million of the stake covered, and he could not possibly expect anyone to banco the entire thirty-two millions.
不愿意看到超过 10 或 1500 万的股份被覆盖, 而且不可能指望任何人将全部 3200 万存入银行。