We’ve bent over backwards to help the child, but she refuses to cooperate.
It feels like you're constantly bending over backwards to calm her.
No. I am not gonna bend over backwards just to please that jerk.
不 我才不会对那个混蛋卑躬屈膝。
My new roommate is bending over backwards to ingratiate himself to me. Uh, nice touch, by the way.
这是我的新室友在不遗余迎合讨好我 顺便说 胸牌别的好。
John also says that Eva would " bend over backwards" for him.
Phil says that Melissa bent over backwards to try to please Eric.
Phil 说 Melissa 尽全试图取悦 Eric。
So you have to bend over backwards not to be that person.
And Kevin owes me one, and Eva would bend over backwards for me.
I smiled and bent over backwards, giving them service...
我笑脸迎人 卑躬屈膝 难道我的服务。
We bent over backwards to finish it on time.
City officials bent over backwards to help downtown businesses.
Yeah, I don't bend over backwards for just anyone.
对 我不会随便对任何人都尽全的。
She bent over backwards trying to please Eric and he always took her for granted.
And to think I bent over backwards to get that ATM.
为了搞这台提款机 我腰都要累弯了。
He must have bent over backwards to get something like that.
But I'm going to bend over backwards to help Ms Ali.
Don't rub it in. Hotels have to stay hip, so l have to bend over backwards...
47 cents? i wasn't even aware they were still making pennies. 4 i smiled and bent over backwards, giving them service--all for $1.47?
毛7? 我都不知道 现在还发行分币呢我陪笑脸又跑前跑后的,辛苦服务就得到一块四毛七?
What we found is that even when we're talking to someone who just lost a negotiation to us, we tend to bend over backwards.
我们发现, 即使与刚刚在谈判中失败的人交谈时,我们也会尽帮助们。
He was able to spinal tap (inaudible) vertebrae virtual reality with radiology to fuse a radiological solution, even if he had to bend over backwards to make it work.
" Bent" is the past tense of the verb " to bend." So, Melissa bent over backwards, she tried very hard to please Eric.
“Bent” 是动词“to bend” 的过去式。所以,Melissa 尽全讨好 Eric。