And woe betide selfish type Bs-an informal expression said when there will be trouble for someone or if they will be punished for doing a particular thing.
" Woe betide the type Bs" remarks the presenter, Marnie Chesterton-an informal British expression said when there will be trouble ahead for someone-in this case, poor type Bs!
主持人玛利·切斯特顿评价道“愁眉苦脸的 B 型血”——这是一个不正式的英式表达,表示某人会到麻烦——在这里意思是可怜的 B 型血!
And woe betide selfish type Bs – an informal expression said when there will be trouble for someone or if they will be punished for doing a particular thing.
" Woe betide the type Bs" remarks the presenter, Marnie Chesterton – an informal British expression said when there will be trouble ahead for someone – in this case, poor type Bs!
" All right, if you think you know better than Lockhart, you can go and get on with it, and woe betide you if there's a single gnome in that garden when I come out to inspect it."