This psychological loop often leads to what's known as " bothersome tinnitus, " a condition that can exacerbate the symptoms of PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
The beetles breed in the corpses of small mammals and birds, turning them into carefully tended nests, and regularly spraying them with disinfectant chemicals to keep them clear of bothersome pathogens.
Someone who is " annoying" is someone who is bothersome, someone who is always causing problems. Not only does Jerry want to get rid of his annoying wife, he also wants to get away with it.
someone who is " annoying" 是令人恼的人,总是制造问题的人。 杰瑞不仅摆脱他人的妻子, 他还侥幸逃脱。
Some had thought that a virtuous cycle of mild inflation and stronger wage growth might finally be returning to Japan after decades of torpor, which would have made higher rates and a stronger yen less bothersome.