| 划词

The productive technology of active carclazyte produced by activating bentotite was introduced emphatically. The treatment method of acidic waste water produced in wet process was also described.




dualin, dual-in-line, dualism, dualist, dualistic, duality, dualization, dualize, dualizing, Dualoy, dual-polarization, dualpurpose, dual-purpose, dual-seal, dual-tandem, dualumin, duarchy, duazomycin, dub, Dubai, Dubal, dubber, dubbin, dubbing, Dubhe, dubiety, dubiosity, dubious, dubiously, dubitable, dubitant, dubitate, dubitation, dubitative, dubitatively, Dublin, dubnium, Dubois, Dubonnet, Dubrovnik, dubs, Dubuque, ducal, ducat, ducdenin, duce, Duchenne-Arandisease, duchess, duchester, duchy, duck, duck bill, duck down, duck soup, duckbill, duckbilled, duckboard, duck-board, duckboards, duckboat, duckbucket, duckegg, ducker, duckering, duckery, duckfoot, duckfooted, duckie, ducking, ducking stool, ducklegged, duck-legged, duckling, duckmole, duckpins, ducks, ducks and drakes, duckstone, ducktail, duckweed, duck-weed, ducky, Ducommun, ducon, duct, duct gland, ductal, Ductalloy, ducted, ducter, ductibility, ductile, ductileness, ductilimeter, ductilimetry, ductility, ductilometer, ducting, ductless, ductless gland, ductor, duct-system, ductule, ductulus, ductus, ductus deferens, ductwork, dud, Duda, dudder, duddy, dude, dude ranch, dudeen, Dudek, Duden Woerterbuecher, dudgeon, dudheen, dudish, dudishly, Dudley, dudleyite, duds, due, due process, due process of law, Due South, due to, duebill, due-bill-check, duel, dueler, dueling, duelist, duelling, duellist, duello, duende, duenna, Duero, dues, duet, duets, duettist, duetto, duff, duffel, duffel bag, duffer, Dufferin, duffle, duffle bag, duffle coat, duffle-coat, Duffy, dufrenite, dufrenoysite, dufrenoysits, duftite, dug, dugong, dugout, dugway, duh, duhat, dui, duiker, Duisburg, duit, duka,


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