He dismissed my argument contemptuously as not worth refuting.
His lips curled contemptuously.
She contemptuously dismissed their complaints.
" Oxford, New Mexico, " snorted Tom contemptuously, " or something like that."
" 新墨西哥州的牛津镇," 汤姆嗤之以鼻地说," 或者类似的地方。"
'You live in West Egg, ' she remarked contemptuously.
" 你住在西卵吧!" 用鄙夷的口气说。
" O Lord—how we can imitate! " said Venn contemptuously.
" Don't get any letters, " he said contemptuously.
" 我从没收过信。" 他傲慢地说。
" Oh, you're going down there" ! she said contemptuously.
" 啊! 你到那边去?" 说时露出一副的神气。
" But evidently zair'as been a mistake, " she said contemptuously to Bagman.
" And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory, " said Seamus contemptuously.
" Phew—I shall not kill you, " he said contemptuously, as if under a sudden change of purpose.
She curled her lip at me contemptuously.
She looked at him contemptuously, scorning to answer.
She looked at him contemptuously, but he took no notice.
He rammed it contemptuously back into the wallet and handed me the wallet.
他轻蔑地把它塞回钱包里, 然后把钱包递给我。
Her heart gave a startled plunge, but she continued to hold him back contemptuously.
的心猛地一跳, 却依旧轻蔑地拉住他。
" Oh, Aslan! " said Trumpkin, cheerily but contemptuously. " What matters much more is that you wouldn't have me."
" It means he gave them a load of gold." said Sirius contemptuously throwing the medal into the rubbish sack.
" The right language" ! said Bartle Massey, contemptuously.
“正确的语言” ! Bartle Massey 轻蔑地说。
The man sneered contemptuously and went on shouting.
男人轻蔑的冷笑一声, 继续吼道。
The man looked at him and spat contemptuously.
男人看他一眼, 轻蔑地啐一口。
" Talley was a petty blackmailer, " Webber said contemptuously.
“塔利是个卑鄙的勒索者, ” 韦伯轻蔑地说。
" I want something more definite, " said Lucy contemptuously.
“我想要更明确的东西, ” 露西轻蔑地说。