I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out.
" Some might call that craven, " Lord Peasebury replied.
" 有人会称之为懦夫思想。" 比兹伯伯爵斥道。
In an example of just utter, craven cowardice refused to publish the book.
" Stubborn or craven, what does it matter? Ser Cortnay Penrose seemed hale and hearty to me" .
" 他顽固还是懦弱有什么区别?科塔奈·庞洛斯爵士在我看来正是容光焕发,老当益壮。"
" The brave man slays with a sword, the craven with a wineskin. We are both kingslayers, ser" .
" 勇士用剑,懦夫用酒,我们都是弑君者,爵士。"
" You keep it, " Sam said. " You're not craven like me" .
" 你留它," 山姆道," 你不像我,你不是胆小鬼。"
And she offered plenty of places for a craven to hide.
" Do you want to die old and craven in your bed" ?
" 难道你想懦弱地老死在病床上吗?"
" This is craven, " Ser Rodrik said. " To use a child so … this is despicable" .
" 懦夫的行为," 罗德爵士道," 居然用孩童… … 太卑鄙了。"
" He took me unawares. A craven's trick" .
" 啧啧,他不过乘我不备。这是懦夫的诡计。"
" Cowardice" ? Ser Axell all but shouted. " No man calls me craven before my king" !
" 懦弱?" 亚赛尔爵士几乎叫喊起来," 没人敢在国王面前称我为懦夫!"
Or something might find us. Bran couldn't say it, though; he did not want Jojen to think he was craven.
" The man is craven, " Lord Hunter declared. " Stand and fight, coward! " Other voices echoed the sentiment.
" 这家伙是个懦夫," 杭特伯爵道," 胆小鬼,有种就光明正大地打!" 其他人也同声附和。
" Mudmen, " answered Little Walder disdainfully. " They're thieves and cravens, and they have green teeth from eating frogs" .
" 泥人," 小瓦德轻蔑地答道," 都是些强盗和胆小鬼,他们吃青蛙,牙齿都是绿的。"
If people do not trust the party in the first place, she argues, they just see these as craven attempts to win their votes.
" The great pig Manderly was too craven to leave White Harbor, or we would have brought him as well, " shouted Red Helm.
" 大肥猪曼德勒没胆量,不敢离开白港,否则我把他一起献上。" 红盔骑士夸口。
It can be immensely hard not to think that those who offer us love are in some ways weak, mistaken, needy, craven or just defective.
The king rose to his feet, his face flushed. " Are you telling me those prancing cravens will let me win? "
国王满脸通红,霍地站起," 你的意思是那些没用的胆小鬼会故意失手?"
" I have no sword, " he returned, " but if I did, I'd stick it through your belly and hack the balls off those four cravens" .
" 我没有剑," 他答道," 如果有的话,我会捅穿你的肚子,再割下那四个胆小鬼的卵蛋。"
Arya made a face. Not if Joffrey's his father, she said. He's a liar and a craven and anyhow he's a stag, not a lion.
艾莉亚做了个鬼脸。" 有乔佛里当老爸不可能啦," 她说," 他既是骗子又是胆小鬼,更何况他是鹿,不是狮子。"
" They warned me bastard blood was craven, " he heard Qhorin Halfhand say coldly behind him. " I see it is so. Run to your new masters, coward" .
" 他们警告我,杂种是天生的懦夫," 断掌科林在身边冷冷地说," 我总算明白了。滚到你新主人那边去!胆小鬼!"