A crow flew crookedly like a shadow over the end of the salt lake.
This can sometimes cause someone to smile crookedly.
" I always drive like this." He turned to smile crookedly at me.
The dwarf smiled crookedly. " All sorts of people are calling themselves kings these days" .
侏儒嘿嘿一笑," 这年头什么样的人都能当国王。"
When I said the name of the band, he smiled crookedly, a peculiar expression in his eyes.
Tyrion grinned crookedly. " Don't tell Lady Stark, I beg you. We don't have a hundred of me to trade" .
" 求你了,这秘密可千万说给史塔克夫人知道,们没有一百个可供交换哪。"
Tyrion smiled crookedly. " Take heart, Father. At least Rhaegar Targaryen is still dead. "
提利昂狡猾地笑了笑。" 父,心,至少雷加·坦格利安还没死而复生。"
A small rusty stove stood opposite the bunk, its pipe lifting crookedly and precariously above the dry palmetto thatching.
一个生锈的小炉子立在床位对面, 它的管子歪歪斜斜地悬在干燥的棕榈茅草上。
I followed her gaze to see Edward, smiling crookedly, staring at me from an empty table across the cafeteria from where he usually sat.
He throws his bag down at the door of his room and kicks his shoes into the hallway, watching them bounce crookedly across the ugly antique rug.
他把包扔到房间门口, 把鞋子踢到走廊上,看着它们在丑陋的古董地毯上歪歪扭扭地弹跳。
The whole of its trunk was evergrown with dry moss, its bare, rugged branches, sparsely covered with reddish leaves, rose crookedly, like some old arms held up in supplication.