The mother crooned her baby to sleep.
Parents croon soothingly to infants.
'Bles-sed pre-cious, ' she crooned, holding out her arms. 'Come to your own mother that loves you.'
" 心——肝,宝——贝," 她嗲嗲气地说,一面伸出她胳臂," 到疼你亲娘这里来。"
And far into the night he crooned that tune. The stars went out and so did the moon.
" 夜深时,他吟唱那曲调。星星消失了,月亮亦如此。
" I'll name you... Stellaluna, " she crooned.
“会给你命名… … Stellaluna,”她低说道。
" Oh, quite so, darling, " crooned Charlotte.
" Put somethin' over you, honey, " she crooned.
And I crooned over him in appreciation of his generosity.
The Fremen stroked the bat, soothing it, crooning to it.
I was surprised into crooning this ditty as I pushed her over the floor.
当把她推倒在地时, 很惊讶地叫着这个小玩意。
The horse looked hot but not lathered and the girl was crooning to him gently.
这匹马看起来很热, 但没有起泡, 女孩正在轻轻地对他低吟。
So those songs are less about crooning and much more about showing other birds just how fit and healthy you are.
" Va bene, signore, va bene, va bene, " crooned the driver, and whipped his horses up again.
“Va bene, signore, va bene, va bene,”车夫低说着,再次扬起马匹。
There's another pause of Chente crooning in the background while Oscar stirs, before he speaks again.
当奥斯卡动起来时, 陈特在背景中低吟唱,然后再次说话。
Artemis was sitting on the next section of the sofa, stroking her dogs and crooning to them.
Greyback crooned as he forced them along the corridor. " I'd say I'll get a bite or two, wouldn't you, ginger? "
当他押着囚犯们穿过走廊时候,格雷伯克低哼着歌儿。" 要说可能咬一下或两下,不是吗,姜黄头?"
JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A street performer in Boston was crooning " All of Me" when suddenly she got all of him.
CNN记者Jeanne Moos:波士顿一位街头艺人正在演唱《一切》,就在这个时候,她也俘获了Legend一切。
The birds were usually angry, but once he'd hung them up he would give them a pat and croon a word or two.
That of the larger mourning dove is fuller and richer and infinitely more sad, a lament rather than a croon.
" You came, " she said, her voice a low croon, cracking as it emerged from somewhere deep in her chest.
“你来了,” 她说,她音低沉低吟,从她胸口深处某个地方发出时发出嘶哑音。
The little girl raised the marred face to hers and rocking herself backward and forward crooned a plaintive Arab lullaby to the doll.
小女孩把那张破损脸举到她面前, 前后摇晃着自己, 低对着洋娃娃唱一首哀伤阿拉伯摇篮曲。
" Reckon she'll let me have a bit of the girl when she's finished with her? " Greyback crooned as he forced them along the corridor.