Frugivorous animals usually consume the pulp and regurgitate or defecate the seeds intact.
Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty.
A healthy adult bearded dragon should defecate at least once a week.
Drinking, eating, defecating and even mating only take up about 4% combined.
饮水、进食、排便甚至交配加起来只占 4% 左右的时间。
When they're not defecating, sea cucumbers use their butts to absorb oxygen.
Of those forty people, 15 of them still defecate out in the open outdoors.
在这 40 人中,有 15 人仍然在户外露天排便。
And take the chance of having the patient urinate or defecate all over him?
I'll take your word for it. I was too busy trying not to defecate.
Pandas defecate more than 100 times a day, producing more than 40 lb of waste.
熊猫每天排便超过 100 次,产生超过 40 磅的排泄物。
The current incumbent of the Oval Office hides gleefully, defecating beneath the skirts of a Klansman.
椭圆形办室的现任主人心地 躲在一名三K党成员的裙下大便。
Generally, they're not eating or drinking, urinating or defecating, though there are certainly exceptions to that.
Nearly a billion people still defecate out in the open: in street gutters, open water, or… in the woods.
排水沟,水域,或者… … 在树林。
Nearly a billion people still defecate out in the open: in street gutters, open water, or in the woods.
近 10 亿人仍在露天排便:在街道排水沟、放水域或在树林。
It's the same opening that turtles use to urinate, defecate, and lay eggs.
You do your business in the front end, urinate, defecate, and then we actually separate those streams after you flush it.
And black bears, like most hibernators, don’t urinate or defecate the entire hibernation season.
And when they do that, they defecate, of course, and they disperse those seeds through the habitat.
He defecated next to one of his victim’s bodies and ritualistically sprinkled pennies or paper clips over the dead.
He said children were suffering from diarrhea and malaria and people were defecating in the open as there was only one latrine.
Violet Ahuga says her family defecates in bags and throws them in the river because they cannot pay to use modern toilets.
A powerful filter is also required to keep all that water clean, as turtles both eat and defecate where they live.
还需要一个强大的过滤器来保持所有水的清洁, 因为海龟在它们居住的地方进食和排便。
Canada geese can be amazing, but they also defecate on our pristine lawns, stain our youth soccer fields our and even endangered our Sully.