“Devilish tricky little blighters they can be! ”
There was a fierce and devilish look about them.
The devilish intricacies of economics Mr Godley seemed to overwhelm just as effortlessly.
The border mechanism is devilish to design and will be challenged at the World Trade Organisation.
I say it only shows his foolish, impious pride, and abominable, devilish rebellion against the reverend clergy.
He thought it a devilish comfortable house.
Devilish high society, ' he said, warming his legs.
恶魔般的上流社会, ” 边说边暖着腿。
It sounds easy, but it's devilish hard.
这听起来很容易, 但它非常难。
" A man of devilish cunning, my Lord, " Hawat said.
" You certainly are devilish inconsistent" ! he broke out at last.
“你肯定是恶魔般的前后矛盾” ! 终于爆发了。
You must confess, my dear Lenormand, that you're devilish touchy!
你必须承认, 我亲爱的勒诺曼, 你非常敏感!
It is the most devilish little rickety business I ever beheld!
" Well! —I always said there was something devilish in that woman's scowl" !
“嗯! ——我总说那个女人的眉眼里有什么恶魔般的东西” !
This devilish device will change everything if you don't.
He makes a devilish grinning expression. Confused, she hides her face in her arm.
He was so extraordinarily kind; it was incredible that he could have had such a devilish intention.
非常友善; 真是不可思议, 竟然会有这样的主意。
' said Fagin, looking up with an expression of devilish anticipation, and speaking slowly and with marked emphasis.
I once knew a trader's wife in Arizona who took a somewhat devilish interest in producing a cultural reaction.
Cordelia was no sooner gone than the devilish dispositions of her sisters began to show themselves in their true colors.
With flashes of genius, of devilish cunning and intuition, but a crack-brained fool, a madman, like all that Malreich family.
有着灵光一闪的天才、邪恶的狡猾和直觉, 但却是一个脑筋急转弯的傻瓜, 一个疯子,就像所有 Malreich 家族的人一样。