He had a disinclined smile on his face.
It is a little remarkable, that—though disinclined to talk overmuch of myself and my affairs at the fireside, and to my personal friends—an autobiographical impulse should twice in my life have taken possession of me, in addressing the public.
有点了不起的是, 尽管我不愿意在炉边和我的私人朋友那里过多地谈我自己和我的事情,但在我的生命中, 一种自传式的冲动应该两次占据我, 向公众发表讲话。
For this and other reasons he was disinclined to worry over the inevitable, though he did once say: " You know, Chang, I'm bothered about young Mallinson. I'm afraid he'll take things very badly when he finds out" .
由于个和其他原因, 他不愿意为不可避免的事情担心, 尽管他曾经说过:“你知道, 张,我为年轻的马林森感到烦恼。我担心他发现后会非常伤心。 ” .