It really isn't. But back then, absolutely. American divorcee.
The subject of Edward's attentions was Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee who was still married to her second husband, Ernest Aldrich Simpson, an American with extensive business affairs in Britain.
爱德华关注对象是美国离婚者沃利斯·辛普森(Wallis Simpson),她仍然与她第二任丈夫欧内斯特·奥尔德里奇·辛普森(Ernest Aldrich Simpson)保持着婚姻关系,欧内斯特·奥尔德里奇·辛普森是一位在英国拥有广泛商业事务美国人。
I thought of Treena's boss, a taut-faced serial divorcee who monitored how many times my sister went to the loo and had been known to make barbed comments if she considered her to have exceeded reasonable bladder activity.
我想到了 Treena 老板,一面容紧绷连环离婚者, 他监督我姐姐上厕所次数, 如果她认为她膀胱活动超出合理范围, 就会发表尖刻评论。