Red-cheek brush should follow the order of from the cheekbone to eyehole.
" A warg he may be, " Ygritte said, " but that has never frightened us" . Others shouted agreement. Behind the eyeholes of his yellowed skull Rattleshirt's stare was malignant, but he yielded grudgingly. These are a free folk indeed, thought Jon.
" 倘若他真是狼灵," 耶哥蕊特说," 能吓着我们吗?" 其他人叫喊着表示同意。透过焦黄的头骨眼洞,叮当衫恶狠狠地瞪视琼恩,但最终不得不让步。好一帮自由民,琼恩心想。