Take the sickle which is lying on the grindstone.
Keep your nose to the grindstone and you should pass the exam easily.
刻苦学习, 你就能不费力气地通过考试。
I will take exams in two weeks, so I'm keeping my nose to the grindstone just at the moment.
我两星期后要考试, 因而眼下正头苦读。
He sharpened the scythes on the grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven gristmill and grew and stored potatoes.
There's a gaudy big grindstone down at the mill, and we'll smouch it, and carve the things on it, and file out the pens and the saw on it, too.
Just before the school in winter he shovels paths; in summer he turns the grindstone.
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Nose to the grindstone.
Then it's back to the grindstone... on Earth and on Mars.
Since then, there have been many makeovers of the famous ball, including crystals, grindstones and strobe lighting.
This mill, with its ancient grindstones, has been producing flour for generations.
" They'll be keeping your noses so hard to that grindstone they'll be rubbed raw, " said Fred with satisfaction.
I had to stick to the grindstone.
A " grindstone" is a stone that you would use to grind something.
“磨石” 是用来磨东西的石头。
Some grim people grilled his dog on a grindstone.
Jim had decided he was going to keep his nose to the grindstone.
62. I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.
He also notes that while hobbies offered relief from the old grindstone, they also occupied a space tied to productive leisure.
Okay, everybody, let's put our noses to the grindstone and pull out this victory!
Another expression we have is: " Keep your nose to the grindstone."
我们的另一个表达方式是:“Keep your nose to the grindstone” 。
I also wanna keep my nose to the grindstone because I wanna stay ahead of the game.
After that it’s nose to the grindstone, with no other meetings or distractions throughout the working day.
之后就是埋头苦干, 整个工作日没有其他会议或分心。
I really do enjoy being back at work, but I do need to keep my nose to the grindstone.
And then I just put my nose to the grindstone and call the other 399 cases that I have.
后我就埋头苦干,给我手上的其他 399 个案例打电话。
He lifts out a plough and a harrow he has brought; nails, provisions, a grindstone, a sack of corn.
他拿出带来的犁和耙; 钉子、粮食、磨石、一袋玉米。
And at times, duties, be it work or personal, can feel relentless – with our nose constantly to the grindstone.