The dancer wore a headdress of pink ostrich plumes.
The Native Americans who would wear the feather headdress.
Places in the Pacific Islands where only royalty were allowed to wear special headdresses.
Her headdress is feathers of black and pink.
This original relief of the Goddess Maat with a feather headdress is from a museum in Florence.
" Perhaps you ought to try on the hat, Hermione, " said Ron, nodding toward the ludicrous headdress.
So join us next time, as we look at Beijing opera-a form with even more elaborate headdresses.
所以 下集加入我们 因为下集我们要去看“京剧” 更加精致艺术形式。
And if you weren't the chief, how did you get that headdress?
如果你不是酋长 你怎么还戴那呢?
Behind the boss, protecting the neck and shoulders, Pachyrhinosaurus sported its other distinguishing feature, a bony headdress called a frill.
The headdress was a crown of feathers.
Ron caught Harry's eye and grinned; Harry knew that he was remembering the ludicrous headdress they had seen on their visit to Xenophilius.
From Peru to Gabon, and from India to China, coats, crowns and headdresses of human hair have been made for centuries.
So these masks and headdresses themselves are a very part of the art.
But the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing, she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget.
The dancers in these ceremonies wear masks, headdresses, and costumes that they believe are necessary to influence gods.
Once he got older, he could ride his own chariot drawn by two fine horses with plumed headdresses.
等他长大了, 就可以骑上自己战车, 由两匹戴羽毛良马拉着。
After convincing the King to be vaccinated against smallpox, she commissioned a special headdress to make the treatment fashionable for all.
在说服国王接天花疫苗后,她委托制作了特殊, 让所有人都能接受这治疗。
It's made of ivory, and it's an elongated head of a woman who's wearing a beaded headdress and a beaded choker.
它由象牙制成, 是个细长女人, 戴着串珠和串珠项圈。
So these masks and headdresses themselves are a very part of the art. As we've said, art depends on culture.
We was wearing a headdress with real fruit that he will later hand out to your friends as a healthy snack!
我们戴是真正水果, 他稍后会将其作为健康零食分发给您朋友!
She lived a life of luxury, wearing elaborate headdresses, importing foreign fabrics— she even had her own private chateau near Versailles!
她过着奢侈生活, 戴着精致,进口外国面料——她甚至在凡尔赛宫附近拥有自己私人城堡!