Indeed, some toothed whales and bats emit sound pulses around 200,000 hertz and listen for the reflections.
事实上,一些齿鲸和蝙蝠会发 20 左右的声脉冲收听反射声。
Anything in the 1000 hertz range or below.
任何在 1000 范围内或以下的声音。
Researchers observed lip smacking at an average of 4.15 hertz.
What does the nano hertz in NANOGrav refer to explicitly?
NANOGrav 中的“纳”具体指的是什么?
A biological neuron fires, maybe, at 200 hertz, 200 times a second.
一个生物神元所发的脉冲频率 大约位于 200 ,每秒 200 次。
So nano hertz is the gravitational waves frequency that we're looking at.
Well, baleen whales emit sounds around 14 hertz, the deepest among mammals.
须鲸能发 14 左右的声音,是哺乳动物中最低沉的。
Parasaurolophus' general resonant frequency as low as 40 hertz, a sound almost as deep as a foghorn.
The females are at a much lower pitch. They were around 400 hertz.
HS:女性的音高要低得多。 它们的频率约为 400 。
[Melany] It's this frequency from about 75 hertz up to about 100 hertz.
- [Melany] 这是从大约 75 到大约 100 的频率。
So he's flying at around 600 hertz.
GG:所以他以大约 600 的速度飞行。
Some mid-range Android phones come with 120 hertz screens.
一些中档 Android 手机配备 120 屏幕。
Ten more hertz. Ease me into it.
再加十 慢慢加上去。
When I say watts or hertz, those things are just regular words.
So in this case that corresponds to one hertz.
所以在这种情况下,它 对应于一。
The human ear is best at registering sounds above the frequency of 20 hertz.
人耳最擅长记录频率高于 20 的声音。
But curiously, the frequency of their purrs, between 25 and 150 hertz, is within a range that can promote tissue regeneration.
Otherwise, the frequency of the AC power will speed up above 60 hertz.
At about 1: 50 AM, the frequency fell below 59.4 hertz.
凌晨 1 点 50 分左右,频率降至 59.4 以下。
The distance between each peak determines the wave's frequency, measured as cycles per second, or hertz.