There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
Their eyes met across the crowd; but Bernald gathered only perplexity from the encounter. What were Pellerin's eyes saying to him? What orders, what confidences, what indefinable apprehension did their long look impart?
A pause followed this apparently pointless remark. Daisy looked at Tom frowning and an indefinable expression, at once definitely unfamiliar and vaguely recognizable, as if I had only heard it described in words, passed over Gatsby's face.
And Lupin, waking from his torpor, felt gradually welling up within him an indefinable and ridiculous compassion for the wretched woman, odious, certainly, abject and twenty times criminal, but so young still and now ... dead.
卢平从麻木中醒来,对这个可怜的女人产生了一种说不清道不明、荒谬可笑的同情心,这个女人可恶,当然,卑鄙,犯了二十次罪,但还那么年轻,现在… … 已经死了。