5.Because she's ripped from the 1940s noir world, her narrative borrows heavily from the likes of " Double Indemnity" , with her older husband being waylaid by a stroke.
6.The bare-bones version is simply an indemnity for the cost of a challenge to the prenup; elaborate policies will include other expenses such as mediation and, if that fails, the cost of a contested divorce.
7.Well, the reaction first was disbelief at the low level of the price, especially with the government changing the laws of the country at the same time giving UBS all this kind of indemnity.
8." Well, then, Monsieur Grandet, " said the keeper, who had come prepared with an harangue for the purpose of settling the question of the indemnity, " Monsieur Grandet—" " Ta, ta, ta, ta" !