As mock inquisitors grill him, top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward.
To avoid the shame of a public accusation, and dreading the popular fury from which they had already saved their Abbey with much difficulty, the Monks readily permitted the Inquisitors to search their Mansion without noise.
为了避免公开指控的耻辱, 并且害怕他们已经易才从他们的修道院中拯救出来的民众的愤怒, 僧侣们欣然允许审判官在没有噪音的情况下搜查他们的宅邸。
Quickened by her cries, the sound of footsteps was heard approaching. The Abbot expected every moment to see the Inquisitors arrive. Antonia still resisted, and He now enforced her silence by means the most horrible and inhuman.
Julien was summoned. " I shall find myself between two inquisitors, " he thought. He had never felt more courageous. At the moment when he entered, two valets, better dressed than M. Valenod himself, were undressing my lord.
朱安被传唤了。 “我会发现自己置身于两个审判官之间,”他想。他从未感到如此勇敢。就在他进来的那一刻,两个比瓦勒诺先生穿得更