He was an irascible man.
Thence sprang a feverish state of excitement in which the impatient irascible traveller devoted to perdition the railway directors and the steamboat companies and the governments which allowed such intolerable slowness.
一种狂热的兴奋状态, 在这种状态下, 这位不耐烦、暴躁的旅行者致力于毁灭那些允许如此难以忍受的缓慢的铁路董事、轮船公司和政府。
Here's the word used in a sentence from Rolling Stone by Jon Blistein - If anyone earned the right to be an irascible octogenarian - especially when it comes to music - it's probably Bob Dylan.
这是乔恩·布利斯坦 (Jon Blistein) 的《滚石》杂志中的一句话中使用的这个词——如果有人有资成为一个脾气暴躁的八旬老人——尤其是在音乐方面——那可能就是鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)。
The key to the meaning of irascible isn't the negating prefix ir- (which is the form of the prefix in- that is used before words beginning with " r" ), but rather the Latin noun ira, I-R-A, meaning " anger" .
irascible 含义的关键不是否定前缀 ir-(这是前缀 in- 的形式,用在以“r”开头的单词之前),而是拉丁语名词 ira,I-R-A,意思是“愤怒” 。