Our legation was upgraded to an embassy.
Rutherford smiled more broadly. " Then of course, that accounts for everything. History will never disclose the amount of sheer brilliance wasted in the routine decoding F.O. chits and handing round tea at legation bun fights" .
卢瑟福笑得更灿烂了。 “那么当然,这就说明了一切。历史永远不会透露在例行解码 F.O. chits 和在公使馆包子比赛中传茶时浪费了多少纯粹的智慧”。
Missionaries and traders were murdered in the provinces;foreign legations were stoned;the German ambassador, one of the most cordially despised foreigners, was killed in the streets of Peking; and to all appearances a frightful war of extermination had begun.
传教士和商人在外省被谋杀; 外国公使馆被扔石头;德国大使,最受鄙视的外国人之一, 在北京街头被杀;从表面上看, 一场可怕的灭绝战争已经开始。