The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.
The glance of a man accustomed to draw enormous interest from his capital acquires, like that of the libertine, the gambler, or the sycophant, certain indefinable habits, —furtive, eager, mysterious movements, which never escape the notice of his co-religionists.
Her visits were prompted by friendship merely, but the suspicion gradually entered the brain of Epps, that another and a baser passion led her thither—that it was not Harriet she desired to meet, but rather the unblushing libertine, his neighbor.
她的拜访仅仅是出于友谊,但埃普斯逐渐开始怀疑,是另一种更卑鄙的激情把她带到了那里——她想见的不是哈丽特, 而是的邻居那个毫不脸红的浪
Is not their folly the by-word of the libertines, who relax in their society; and do not men of sense continually lament, that an immoderate fondness for dress and dissipation carries the mother of a family for ever from home?
的代名词吗? 有理智的人难道不会不断地哀叹, 对衣着和放