But now he is as lithe as they come.
On the court, lithe and nimble, he wanted every game for himself.
He was on his feet in one of his lithe, almost invisibly quick movements.
At the beginning of the series, Jeremy Brett is lithe and athletic, he's jumping around all the time.
Renauld was a man of medium height, slender and lithe in figure.
雷诺中等材, 材修长而轻盈。
Yes, it was for the long palette-knife, with its thin blade of lithe steel.
So silver is the rain in May, wholesome and lithe and falling into me.
" Later, " he finally said. He was on his feet in one lithe movement. " We're going to be late."
Mary, a tall, lithe girl, of a most jetty black, was listless and apparently indifferent.
Dorian watched them as they plunged into the alder-clump, brushing the lithe swinging branches aside.
I'm not gonna apologize for my lithe physique, okay?
Alex lets himself stare; the whipcord muscle under his skin, lean and long and lithe.
亚历克斯让自己盯着看;他皮肤下鞭索肌肉, 又瘦又长又柔软。
By comparison, the Type-001A is a lithe 70,000 tons and travels at 36 mph (57 kph).
相比之下,001A 型是轻巧 70, 000 吨, 以 36 英里/小时(57 公里/小时)速度行驶。
" Hoorray" ! shouted a small lithe fellow called Wiry Ben, running forward and seizing the door.
“万岁” ! 一个叫 Wiry Ben 小个子轻盈家伙喊道, 他跑上前抓住了门。
She admired the spotted leopard skin that circled his lithe body from one shoulder to his knees.
He was about thirty, dark, lithe, and had the slightly dirty and slightly underfed look of the native.
Then he turned, and beheld the lithe form of Stephen bowed down like that of an old man.
然后他转过, 看到斯蒂芬轻盈躯像老一样弯下腰。
Rather tall, of a lithe nimble figure, extremely pale, with large faded eyes, and a quantity of streaming hair.
相当高, 轻盈灵活影, 极其苍白, 大褪色眼睛, 和大量流头发。
She swung from limb to limb, or she raced through the mighty branches, surefooted, lithe, and fearless.
她从一个肢体摇摆到另一个肢体, 或者她在强大树枝上奔跑, 脚踏实地,轻盈而无所畏惧。
Hanks, who is 66, appears lithe and sprightly, almost as though he has too much energy for such a slip of a body.