It's a very hard job. But they did it marvelously, I thought.
And then it sang again with its marvelously sweet voice.
The settings Dickie presents - some remote, some urban - are marvelously rendered.
His kindness to all Yosemite visitors and mountaineers was marvelously constant and uniform.
Lovely evening, the lake reflections after dark marvelously impressive.
可爱夜晚, 天黑后湖面倒影令人印象。
It's a marvelously structured movie if you look at it at that level.
如果你从那个层面看, 这是一部结构奇妙电影。
A marvelously impressive meeting in which every one has something worth while to tell.
一场令人印象会议, 每个人都有值得讲述事情。
Darling, you're doing marvelously, I am so proud of you.
亲爱 你做得非常好 我真为你自豪。
Lydia hadn't the faintest notion whose horoscope she was doing, and it was marvelously accurate.
莉迪亚一点也不知道她在算谁星座, 而且它非常准确。
Rita. I'm sure she sings marvelously.
丽塔 她唱得肯定很好听。
BRIAN HARE: So what he did— and the test was marvelously simple.
BRIAN HARE:所以他做了什么——而且测试非常简单。
If there were a circle that had a circumference of one mile, that would work marvelously.
He looked up then and paid me what I shall always regard as a marvelously high compliment. '
然后他抬起头来, 给了我一个我永远认为是惊人高度赞美。
She had a marvelously flexible voice and wonderful power of expression; the audience went wild over her selection.
July 5. The clouds of noon on the high Sierra seem yet more marvelously, indescribably beautiful from day to day as one becomes more wakeful to see them.
7 月 5 日 高山上正午云彩看起来更加奇妙,一天比一天美丽,因为人们更加清醒地看到它们。