Rape and child molestation are terrible crimes that can traumatise their victims for life.
He was arrested January 1975 for molestation.
These included claims of molestation and physical and verbal abuse.
For decades, I kept being the victim of molestation at the hands of a babysitter a secret.
The child molestation case was settled out of court with Jackson reportedly paying the boy millions of dollars.
But we held our own without any appearance of molestation.
Cannibalism, incest, and child molestation are common examples of behavior we see as taboo.
Was that when it started? Is that when the molestation started?
当她父母来找你 Susan不明白 为什么女儿把自在房间里 When her parents came to you and susan wondering Why their daughter locked herself in her room.是这时开始的吗? 你开始骚扰她?
They almost feared to shake hands in public, so much depended upon their passing that morning without molestation.
他们几乎害怕在公共场合握手, 这在很大程度上取决于他们那天早上过世时没有受到骚扰。
But there are several strands to this story because, of course, he was also wanted in Sweden for alleged rape and molestation.
You and Le Chiffre were found and also your friend, Miss Lynd, who was unharmed and according to her account suffered no molestation.
你和 Le Chiffre 被发现了, 还有你的朋友 Lynd 小姐, 她没有受伤, 据她所说,她没有受到骚扰。
The police only publicly named a single suspect--Arthur Leigh Allen a Vallejo, California schoolteacher who was institutionalized in 1975 for child molestation.
警方只公开了一名嫌疑人的名字——亚瑟·利·艾伦 (Arthur Leigh Allen), 他是加利福尼亚州瓦列霍的一名教师,他于 1975 年因猥亵儿童而被送进收容所。
The organization has no ties whatsoever with the founder now, and that’s because in 2011 he was convicted of 20 counts of child molestation.
该组织现在与创始人没有任何关系,那是因为他在 2011 年被判犯有 20 项猥亵儿童罪。