We know this because kid and napper, the two parts of the compound, were slang of the sort that criminals might use.
我这复合词的两部分kid 和 napper 是这种罪能用的俚语。
On top of all this, it seems that we're just about evenly split between nappers and non-nappers.
The hour-long nappers also did better on the tests than those who napped for shorter and longer periods.
The midday nappers were better able to deal with frustration and were less impulsive than those who watched the documentary.
Take China, for example: While it depends on the age and job, China, generally speaking, is a land of nappers.
就拿中国来吧,午睡因年龄和工种而异,中国是一个" 午睡之国" 。
I've never napped out here, I'm not a big napper in general, I'll say, napping ruins my whole day.
Researchers think this could be because nappers are able to stay in a lighter sleep and move through sleep stages more easily.
Previous studies have identified 97 snippets of our DNA that either make us more likely to be nappers or to power through the day.
先前的研究发现,人类 DNA 中有 97 个片段决定你是否喜欢午睡。
But when the bear's curiosity gets the best of it and the sleeping giant wakes up, it's the bear that bolts, not the napper.
Probably two days, but I'm a really, really good napper.
- 大概两天, 但我是一个非常非常好的小睡者。
So the team took data from 35,000 people, aged 40 to 69, taking part in the UK Biobank project and simply compared those genetic " nappers" and " non-nappers" .
因此该团队抽取了参加英国生物样本库计划的年龄在 40 岁和 69 岁之间的 3.5 万人的数据,并将天生的午睡者和午睡者做了比较。