| 划词

The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity and bones of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity.




celluloid, cellulolytic, Cellulomonas, cellulon, celluloneuritis, cellulosa, cellulosan, cellulose, cellulose acetate, cellulose ester, cellulose nitrate, cellulose tape, cellulose triacetate, cellulosic, cellulosine, cellulosis, cellulosity, cellulotoxic, cellulous, Cellunier, cellvibriocin, Celmide, celmonit, celo, celo-, celology, celom, celophlebitis, celophthalmia, celoscope,


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The pelvic girdle in fish isn't attached to the vertebrae and is generally small.


PBS Eons | fauna&flora

The pelvic girdle in fish isn’t attached to the vertebrae and is generally small.

鱼的骨盆带 在椎骨上,通常很小。


And we start to see changes to this with Acanthostega, which had a pelvic girdle attached to its backbone with soft tissues.

我们始看 Acanthostega 的变化,的骨盆带用软组织连的脊柱上。


They also needed new limb supports — a more robust humerus to support the arm, and a pelvic girdle to support the legs.


Crash Course 解剖生理学篇

Now, the appendicular skeleton includes your upper and lower limb appendages and pectoral and pelvic girdles that attach to the axial skeleton at the shoulder and the thigh.



Your arms and legs connect to the rest of the body via the limb girdles, the shoulder girdle, and the hips or pelvic girdle.




CENTAG, centage, centain, cental, centare, centaur, centaurae, centaurea, Centauri, centaurin, centaurine, centaurs, Centaurus, centaury, centavo, centavos, centella, centenarian, centenary, centennial, Centennial State, centennially, center, center field, center line, center of curvature, center of gravity, center of mass, center on, center punch, centerbit, centerboard, centerbody, center-crank, centered, centerfold, center-height, centering, centeringspring, centerline, centerline-average, center-lock, centerpiece, center-piece, centertapped, center-to-center, centerx, centesimal, centesimate, centesimo, centesis, centi, centi-, centiare, centibar, centigrade, centigrade scale, centigrade thermometer, centigram, centigray, centi-lane, centile, centiliter, centilitre, centillion, centime, centimes, centimeter, centimeter-gram-second, centimetre, centimillionaire, centimo, centimorgan, centinem, centinewton, centinormal, centipede, centipoise, centisecond, centisievert, centismal, centistere, centisthene, centistoke, centival, centner, cento, CentOS, centr-, centra, centrad, central, Central America, Central American, central bank, central body, central city, central heating, Central Intelligence Agency, central nervous system, central office, central park, Central Powers, central processing unit, central processor, centralab, centrale, Centrales, Centralia, centralisation, centralise, centralism, centralist, centralite, centrality, centralization, centralize, centralized, centralized-control, centralizer, central-lift, centrally, centrally-mounted, centrally-ported, centralplug, centralstaging, central-suspended-lighting, centrarch, centration, centraxonial, centre, centre of curvature, centre of gravity, centre of mass, centrebit, centre-bit, centreboard, centrebody, centre-crank, centrecut, centred, centrefire, centrefold, centre-gauge, centre-height, centreless, centremost, centrepiece, centrepin, centrepoint, centre-runner, centres, centrescope, centre-stitching, centretap, centrex, centri-, centric, centrical, centri-chromatograph, centricity, centrifiner, Centrifix, centrifugal, centrifugal force, centrifugal pump, centrifugalization, centrifugalize, centrifugate, centrifugation, centrifugationr, centrifuge, centrifuger, centrifuging, centrilobular, centrine, centring, Centrino, centriole, centripetal, centripetal acceleration, centripetal force, centripetalism, centripetence, centris, centrism, centrist, centro-, centrobaric, centrocecal, centrocinesis, centrocinetic, centroclinal, centrocyte, centrode, centrodesm, centrofenoxine, centrogene, centrograph, centrohelida, centroid, centroidal, centrokinesis, centrolecithal, Centrolenidae, centrolobular, centromere, centrometer, centron, Centronellidina, centronema, centronervin, centronucleus, centrophose, centroplasm, centroplast, centrosclerosis, centrosome, centrosphere, centrostigma, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrotaxis, centrotheca, centrotherapy, centrotriaene, centrum, cents-off, centum, centuple, centuplicate, centurial, centuried, centuries-old, centurion, centurium, century, century plant, CEO, ceorl, CEOS, Cep, CEPA, Cepaea, CEPE, cephacetrile, cephacoria, cephaeline, cephal-, cephalad, cephalalgia, cephalanthin, Cephalaspida, cephalate, cephalated, cephaledema, cephalematocele, cephalematoma, cephalexin, cephalgia, cephalhematocele, cephalhematoma, cephalhematometer, cephalic, cephalic vein, cephaliger, cephalin, cephalitis, cephalization, cephalo-, cephalocathartic, cephalocele, cephalocentesis, Cephalochordata, cephalochordate, cephalochromin, cephalocide, cephaloclast, cephalocyst, cephalodium, cephalodymia, cephalodymus, cephalodynia, cephaloedema, cephalogenesis, cephaloglycin, cephalograph, cephalography, cephalohematocele, cephalohematoma,


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