Come to scorn at my fall, perchance?
Huh? Are, uh, any of these cultures, perchance, in the tri-state area?
" Did you" ? Jaime settled on a camp stool. " From the man himself, perchance" ?
" 听说?" 詹姆找了把行军折凳坐下," 听黑鱼说?"
And of everything that he met he made enquiry if perchance they had seen his mother.
No more than sleep.Sleep. Perchance to dream. His spade struck against a stone; he stooped to pick it up.
" Do you perchance recall what I said to you that day your father sat the Iron Throne" ?
" 记得评论父亲的裁决后,我对说过的话吗?"
" That pleases me" . Tyrion smiled. " So what shall we do now? Perchance you have some suggestion" ?
" 很好," 提利昂微微一笑," 接下来我们做什么?可有什么好提议?"
With a little help from the TikTok generation, perchance.
CA:也许是在 TikTok 一代的帮助下。
Am I a performance of Shakespeare in the park perchance?
To-morrow it will be thick upon my garden, and perchance for several days.
明天我的花园里会很浓, 而且可能会持续好几天。
I rub my eyes and think, perchance, that I am just awaking from a lively dream.
我揉了揉眼睛, 心想,或许,我刚刚从一个生动的梦醒来。
Honour and obedience — why, by a stretch, Mrs. M — may perchance represent these blessings.
荣誉和服从——为什么, 从某种意义上说, M 夫人——可能代表了这些祝福。
The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shown indications that encouraged him.
" I offered to let him take the black. Instead he fled" . Jaime smiled. " Do you have him here, perchance" ?
" 我提出让他穿上黑衣,他却跑了。" 詹姆会心一笑," 他有没有碰巧来这里呢?"
Tyrion smiled wanly. " I'm surprised no one ate it. I suppose I ought to see him. It's not Yoren, perchance" ?
提利昂有气无力地微笑," 真令人惊讶,怎么没人把它给吃了。我想我该见见他,不会刚巧是尤伦吧?"
Meanwhile, nevertheless, it was sad to think of the perchance mortal agony through which he must struggle towards his triumph.
They gave delight, perchance something more; they left a perfume in the memory; but life has passed them by for ever.
他们带来欢乐, 也许更多; 他们在记忆留下了香气; 但是生活已经永远地过去了。
In visiting, riding, renewing old friendships, or, perchance, reviving some old attachment, or pursuing whatever pleasure may suggest itself; the time is occupied.
在拜访、 骑马、 重温旧友情, 或者, 也许,重拾旧情, 或追求任何可能暗示的快乐; 时间被占用了。
So far as concerns the overthrow or preservation of his fair fame and his earthly state, and perchance his life, he is in thy hands.
至于推翻或保留他的名誉和尘世地位,也许有他的性命, 他都在的手。
Her resistance exasperated Theodore's love and so in order to satisfy it (or perchance ingenuously), he offered to marry her.
她的反抗激怒了西奥多的爱, 因此为了满足它(或者可能是天真地), 他提出要娶她。