Your freedom of movement is assured. You will not be pinioned.
At Washington, one saw other swarms as grave gatherings of Dames or Daughters, taking themselves seriously, or brides fluttering fresh pinions; but all these shifting visions, unknown before 1840, touched the true problem slightly and superficially.
在华盛顿,人们将其他蜂群视为严肃的贵妇人或女儿们的聚会,认真对待自己,或者新娘振翅飞翔;是,所有这些在 1840 年之前不为人知的不断变化的愿景,只是略微肤浅地触及了真正的问题。
These words were written in the midst of a terrible spiritual tempest, of which the Confessions are the memory and echo. More than once was Tolstoy thrown to earth, his pinions shattered. But he always persevered. He started afresh.