And the birds just reoriented themselves to the northwest—correctly determining their new position.
Another criticism of carbon markets is that developed countries, which have done most of the polluting to date, are able to invest in low-carbon technology and have reoriented their economies to less carbon-intensive activities, unlike poorer nations.
对碳市场的另一个批评是, 与较贫穷的国家不同,迄今为止造成大部分污染的发达国家能够投资于低碳技术,并将其经济重新位于碳密集度较低的活动。
In his latest book, Mr Kissinger, an unofficial adviser and friend to many presidents and prime ministers, considers how six leaders from the second half of the 20th century reoriented their countries and made a lasting impact on the world.
基辛格先生是许多总统和总理的非官顾问和朋友,在他的最新著作中,他考虑了 20 世纪下半叶的六位领导人