His father looked at him with mingled bewilderment and reprobation.
他父亲看着他, 眼神中夹杂着困惑和责备。
Here, suddenly, Morris was interrupted; these ingenious inquiries had not reached Catherine's ears. The terrible word " disinheritance, " with all its impressive moral reprobation, was still ringing there; seemed indeed to gather force as it lingered.
说到这里,莫里斯突然被打断了。这些巧妙的询问并没有传到凯瑟琳的耳朵里。 “剥夺继承权”这个可怕的词及其所有令人印象深刻的道德谴责仍耳边响起;似乎确实
On a dark, misty, raw morning in January, I had left a hostile roof with a desperate and embittered heart—a sense of outlawry and almost of reprobation—to seek the chilly harbourage of Lowood: that bourne so far away and unexplored.