| 划词

The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.



The company’s properties have been revalued.



In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes).




blood type, blood vessel, blood-and-guts, blood-and-thunder, bloodbath, blood-bath, blood-bouillon, blood-brother, blood-chlorides, bloodcurdler, bloodcurdling, blooddrop, blooded, blood-fat, bloodfin, bloodguilt, bloodguilty, blood-high-viscosity-syndrome, bloodhound, blood-hound, bloodily, bloodiness, bloodless, bloodless revolution, bloodletter, bloodletting, bloodline, blood-lipoids, blood-low-viscosity-syndrome, bloodlust, bloodlymph, bloodmobile, bloodnoun, blood-rain, bloodred, blood-red, bloodroot, bloodshed, bloodshedding, bloodshot, bloodsnow, blood-snow, bloodspotting, bloodstain, bloodstained, bloodstock, bloodstone, bloodstream, bloodsucker, bloodsucking, blood-test, bloodthirsty, bloodwood, bloodworm, bloodwort, bloody, Bloody Mary, bloody-minded, blooey, blooie, bloom, bloom of youth, bloomary, bloom-base, bloomed, bloomer, bloomers, bloomery, Bloomfield, bloominess, blooming, bloomingmill, Bloomington, blooms, Bloomsburian, Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Group, bloomy, bloop, blooper, Bloor, blossom, blossom out, blossomy, blot, blotch, blotched, blotches, blotchy, blott, blotted, blotter, blottesque, blotting, blotting paper, blotto, blouse, bloused wetpockets, blouses, blouson, blousy, blove, bloviate, blow, blow a fuse, blow away, blow down, blow hole, blow lamp, blow out, blow over, blow pipe, blow torch, blow up, blowability, blowback, blowball, blowby, blow-by, blow-by-blow, blowcase, blow-cock, blowdown, blow-down, blow-dried, blow-dry, blowed, blower, blowers, blowfish, blowfly, blowgun, blowhard, blowhole, blow-hole, blowing, blowing-down, blowing-in, blowing-off, blowing-out, blowing-up, blowlamp, blowland, blowline, blowmobile, blown, blown-sponge, blown-up, blowoff, blow-off, blow-on, blowout, blow-out, blow-period, blowpipe, blowpit, blowrun, blowsy, blowtank, blow-tank, blow-test, blowtorch, blowtube, blowup, blow-up, blowwave, blowy, blowzed, blowzy, BLP, BLS, BLSS, BLT, BLU, blub, blubber, blubberhead, blubbering, blubbery, blucher, bludgeon, bludger, blue, blue blood, blue book, blue cheese, blue chip, blue collar, blue devils, blue flag, blue funk, blue green, blue moon, Blue Nile, blue note, Blue Peter, blue point, blue print, blue ribbon, blue stocking, blue stone, blue vitriol, blue whale, blue-and-white, blueback, Bluebeard, bluebell, blueberry, bluebill, bluebird, blue-black, blue-blooded, bluebonnet, bluebottle, bluebull, bluebush, bluebutton, bluechip, blue-chip, bluecoat, bluecollar, blue-collar, bluecurls, blued, blue-eye, blueeyed, bluefin, bluefin tuna, blue-finished, bluefish, blue-fluorescence, bluefrit, bluegill, bluegrass, Bluegrass State, blue-green, bluehearts, blueing, blueish, bluejacket, bluejay, blue-jeaned, bluejeans, bluejoint, blueleek, blueline, bluely, blueness, bluenose, bluepencil, blue-pencil, blue-plate, bluepoint, blueprint, blueprint paper, blueprinter, blueprinting machine, bluer, blue-ribbon, blueroan, blues, blueshortness, bluesky, blue-sky, bluesman, bluesrock, blue-stain, bluestem, bluestocking, bluestone, bluestoneer, bluesy, bluet, bluethroat, bluetick, bluetongue, bluetooth, bluets, bluette, blueweed, bluey, bluff, bluffer, bluffing, bluffly, bluffness, bluing, bluish, bluish green, bluish grey, bluish white, Blum, Blume, blumea, Blumenau, blumite, blunder, blunderbuss, blunderer, blunderhead, blundering, blunderingly, blunge, blunger, blunging, blunk, blunt, blunt file, blunt-edged, blunthook, blunting, bluntly, bluntness, blunt-nosed, bluppy, blur, blurb, blurbing, blurbist, blurble, Blurr, blurred, blurring, blurry, blurs, blurt, blurt out, blush, blush wine, blushed, blusher, blushful, blushing, blushingly, blushy, bluster, blustering, blusterous, blustery, blutwurst, blvd., Blymphocyte, B-lymphocytes, Blythe, BM, BMA, BMAC, B-magnitude, BMC, BMD, BMDATC, BMDC, BMDS, BME, BMEP, BMEWS, BMG, BMI, BMJ, BMO, BMOC, bmos, Bmouse, BMP, BMR, BMS, BMSD, BMT, BMTA, BMTFA, BMus, BMV, BMW, BMWS, BMX, bn, bn., BNC, BND, BNDD, BNES, BNF, BNFL, B-Nine, BNL, BNN, BNOC, BNR, BNS, BO, boa, boa constrictor, Boabdil, BOAC, Boadicea, Boanerges, boar, board, board foot, board game, board measure, board meeting, board of directors, board of education, board of trustees, board room, board rule, board-certified, boarder, boarders, boarding, boarding card, boarding house, boarding pass, boarding school, boardinghouse, boardings, board-like, boardman, boardness, boardroom, board-rule, boards, boardsailing, boardwalk, boardy, boarfish, boarhound, boarish, boart, boarwood, Boas, boast, boaster, boastful, boasting, boat, boat deck, boat hook, boat race, boatable, boatage, boatbill, boat-deck, boatel, boater, boatfall, boat-harbor, boatheader, boathook, boathouse, boating, boatlift, boatload, boatman, boatmanship, boatnik, boatrace, boats, boatsteerer, boatstretcher, boatswain, boatswork, boattail, boatwright, boatyard, Boaz, bob, Bob Dylan, bobachee, Bobadil, bobatorium, bobbed, bobber, bobbery, Bobbie, bobbin, bobbin lace, bobbine, bobbiner, bobbinet, bobbing, bobbinite, bobbins, bobbish, bobble, bobbly, bobby, bobby pin, bobby-dazzler, bobbysocks, bobbysoxer, bobby-soxer, bobcat, bobcats, bobeche, Bobette, bobierite, bobierrite, boblet, bobo, Bobol, bobolink, Bobos, bobotie, bobrovkite, bobsled, bob-sled, bobsledding, bobsleigh, bobstay, bobtail, bobweight, bobwhite, bobwig, Boby, BOC, bocaccio, bocage, bocasin, bocca, Boccaccio, boccaro, boccassini, bocce, Boccherini, bocci, boccia, boccie, Boccioni, bocconine, Boche, Bochum, bock, Bockscar, Bockwurst, bocky, boco, bocon, bod, bodacious, bodden, boddhisattva, bode, bodeful, bodega, bodement, bodenite, Bodensee, bodge, bodgie, bodhi, Bodhidharma, bodhisat, Bodhisattva, bodhran, bodice, bodied, bodies, bodik, bodiless, bodily, bodiness, boding, bodkin, Bodleian, Bodley, Bodmin, Bodoni, Bodonidae, body, body and soul, body armor, body building, body count, body English, body fluid, body forth, body guard, body language, body lotion, body odor, body odour, body paint, body stocking, body temperature, body type, body weight, body-blow, bodyboard, bodybuild, body-building, body-centered, body-centred, Bodyfree, bodyfuse, bodyguard, bodying, body-self, bodyshell, bodysuit, bodysurf, bodywood, bodywork, Boehm, Boehmenism, boehmite, Boeman, Boeotia, Boeotian, Boer, Boers, Boethius, boetwoodite, bof, boff, boffin, boffle, boffo, boffola, bofors, Bofors gun, bog, Bogan, Bogart, bogbean, bogenfahren, bogey, bogeyman, bogged,


3G, 401(K), a,



I think there is a lot of potential in revaluing these water-harvesting practices that have a very long history, Ochoa-Tocachi said.


《金融时报》 Podcast

So really it made me revalue work, but more importantly, it really made me reconsider the locality of work.



I find that doing this calms my nerves, rests my body, clarifies my perspective, and helps me revalue my values.

我发现这样做可以安抚我神经, 身体得到休息, 澄清我, 并帮助我重新评估我价值


In the absence of security markets, there is no object in frequently attempting to revalue an investment to which we are committed.



He hadn't once ceased looking at Daisy and I think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her well-loved eyes.



But the Stock Exchange revalues many investments every day and the revaluations give a frequent opportunity to the individual (though not to the community as a whole) to revise his commitments.




boldfaced, bold-faced, boldhearted, boldine, boldly, boldness, boldoglucin, boldtype, bole, bolection,


3G, 401(K), a,
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