| 划词

1.Maribel also harbours a salacious secret history.



2.Cambridge University Library holds around 8 million books, manuscripts, maps and journals and it was thought some more salacious material.



3.And a really salacious story about me.


TED演讲(视版) 2019年9月合集

4.And we're attracted to the salacious, the provocative.


「TED演讲(视版) 2019年9月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2010 ESLPod

5.Sally continues, she says these shows are full of salacious details that nobody should talk about in public.

莎莉继续说,她说这些节目充满了色情细节, 任何人都不应该在公共场合谈论这些细节。机翻

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经济学人 Culture

6.Salacious cartoons depicted Rome as a brothel, cardinals emerging from the Devil's backside and the pope astride a pig.

色情漫画将罗马描绘成妓院,红衣主教从魔鬼的背后出现, 教骑在头猪上。机翻

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科学快报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

7.And if you'd like to support this salacious simian trio, you can donate to Animal Tracks at animaltracksinc.org.

如果您想支持这个淫荡的猿猴三人组,您可以通过animaltracksinc.org 向 Animal Tracks 捐款。机翻

「科学快报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN」评价该例句:好评差评指正
TED演讲(音版) 2014年4月合集

8.And maybe if we all tried to read our fears, we too would be less often swayed by the most salacious among them.


「TED演讲(音版) 2014年4月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2010 ESLPod

9.And that's certainly true that these shows often have a lot of salacious details that are discussed and talked about.


「2010 ESLPod」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2010 ESLPod

10.They're full of salacious details that nobody should talk about in public, and that I certainly don't want to hear.


「2010 ESLPod」评价该例句:好评差评指正
TED Radio Hour

11.And I thought, ooh, that is so controversial, so juicy, so salacious.


「TED Radio Hour」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.When the colonists returned with shipments of the strange new bean, missionaries' salacious accounts of native customs gave it a reputation as an aphrodisiac.


月 VOA Daily Standard English

13." To those who have rushed to judgment, you have done so based on a limited set of facts framed by the prosecution to be as salacious as possible."


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逍遥法外 第

14.As the hospital's attorney, Mr. Tucker had inside knowledge as to which cases would force the hospital to pay out big, including a salacious rape charge.


「逍遥法外 第季」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济学人 Culture

15.Her ear and eye are alert to the unexpected, the funny and the salacious; her sympathies are tuned to the lives of the overlooked, who included, in those times, almost all women.

她的耳朵和眼睛对意想不到的、有趣的和淫荡的事情保持警惕。她对那些被忽视的人的生活表示同情,在那个时代, 这些人几乎包括所有女性。机翻

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16.It's frankly outrageous and highly irresponsible for a left wing bomb to drop highly salacious and flat out false information on the internet just days before he takes the oath of office.


依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)

17.She would turn away when I walked into a room, immediately finding something with which to busy herself, as if by merely catching her eye I might somehow contaminate her with my penchant for salacious boob exposure.

我走进个房间时, 她会转身离开,立即找些事情让自己忙起来,好像只要引起她的注意, 我就可能以某种方式用我对色情胸部暴露的嗜好来污染她。机翻

「依然是我 | Still Me (Me Before You #3)」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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