The small country has no seacoast, but is locked in by other nations.
, 四面是其他
I don't know about stores and banks, but Guy Pillsbury built his share of houses and spent a good many years making sure the Atlantic Ocean and the harsh seacoast winters didn't wash away the Winslow Homer estate in Prout's Neck.
The farm lands that the friends of " a little America" on the seacoast declared a hopeless wilderness were, within a hundred years, fully occupied and valued at nearly seven billion dollars—almost five hundred times the price paid to Napoleon.
海岸上“小美国” 的朋友宣布为无望荒野的农田在百年内被完全占领,价值近 70 亿美元——几乎是支付给拿破仑的价格的五百倍。