She was shabbily dressed.
There were a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and loafing at the corner, a scissors grinder working at his wheel, two soldiers flirting with a nurse, and several well-dressed young men and women walking back and forth.
There was a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and laughing in a corner, a scissors-grinder with his wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and several well-dressed young men who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths.
It might have been taken for a ghostly or phantasmagoric reflection of the old shop-keeper Pyncheon's shabbily provided shelves, save that some of the articles were of a description and outward form which could hardly have been known in his day.
它可能被认为是老店主 Pyncheon 陈旧的货架的幽灵或幻觉的反映,除了一些物品的描述和外观形式在他那个代几乎不为人所知。