| 划词

Jimmy looked enquiringly at Pete who shrugged his shoulders.



The police laid the blame for the accident squarely on the driver's shoulders.



She was still sitting before the looking-glass with a peignoir thrown over her thin shoulders.



His shoulders can bear a heavy load.



He sat with his shoulders hunched up.



I insinuated my shoulder in the gap.



She threw a scarf over her shoulders.



She draped a shawl over her shoulders.



He dislocated his shoulder in the football game.



We fought shoulder to shoulder to defend our country.



He’s head and shoulders above the other candidates.



Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.



She threw a heavy woollen cloak over her shoulders.



He shouldered his way to the front, shouldering others aside.

用肩膀挤开别人, 走到前面。


The dew on the branches drizzled our hair and shoulders.



I stand shoulder to shoulder with Julia on this important issue.



He fell from the window sill and put his shoulder out.



Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.



As usual,those followers were looking over their shoulders at their master.



He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when things went wrong.




blastogenetic, blastogenic, blastogenotia, blastogensis, blastogranitic, blasto-hemiclastite, blasto-holoclastite, blastoid, Blastoidea, blastoids,


3G, 401(K), a,


蒂 第三季(双语)

The fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders.



I'm earning myself sweat and sore shoulders.


Peter Pan 彼得·潘 (Black Cat)

He puts some fairy dust on their shoulders.



Jo jumped at Amy and shook her shoulders.


蒂 第一季(双语)

Square my shoulders or keep my head down?



He just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.



Okay, maybe let's not do the shoulders.

好吧 要按肩膀了。


And use the exhale to relax your shoulders.



If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders.



You can see my shoulders over that left leg.



Two men usually shake hands and put their free hand on each other's shoulders.



It's a huge responsibility on his teenage shoulders.


English With Lucy(双语体验)

It's normally used to describe females who have small shoulders, they're quite short.


摩登家庭第三季_Modern Family-Season03

Do you see how she gives me the cold shoulders?



They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child.


VOA Special 2020年3月合集

Old Joe put an arm around the son's broad shoulders.



He held my shoulders in the cab and kept me still.



Then the two Queens put their heads against Alice's shoulders.


Call Me by Your Name 请以的名字呼唤我

I shrugged my shoulders. Was he criticizing me for criticizing myself?



When I asked him about his plans, he only shrugged his shoulders.




bodiless, bodily, bodiness, boding, bodkin, Bodleian, Bodley, Bodmin, Bodoni, Bodonidae, body, body and soul, body armor, body building, body count, body English, body fluid, body forth, body guard, body language, body lotion, body odor, body odour, body paint, body stocking, body temperature, body type, body weight, body-blow, bodyboard, bodybuild, body-building, body-centered, body-centred, Bodyfree, bodyfuse, bodyguard, bodying, body-self, bodyshell, bodysuit, bodysurf, bodywood, bodywork, Boehm, Boehmenism, boehmite, Boeman, Boeotia, Boeotian, Boer, Boers, Boethius, boetwoodite, bof, boff, boffin, boffle, boffo, boffola, bofors, Bofors gun, bog, Bogan, Bogart, bogbean, bogenfahren, bogey, bogeyman, bogged, boggey, bogging, boggle, boggy, boghead, boghead-cannel, boghouse, bogie, bogies, bogle, Bogners, Bogolon, Bogor, Bogota, bog-standard, bogtrotter, bogus, bogwood, bogy, bogyman, boh, Bohai, Bohaispiridae, bohea, Bohemia, Bohemian, Bohemianism, bohler, Boho, Bohol, Bohr, bohr theory, bohrium, bohunk, BOI, boiar, Boiardo, Boidae, boil, boil down, boil down to, boil over, boiled, boiled egg, boil-eddy, boiler, boiler plate, boiler suit, boilermaker, boilerplate, boilery, boiling, boiling point, boiling-off, boiling-out, boilings, boilingtank, boiloff, boil-off, boilover, boilproof, boina, boing, boink, Boise, boiserie, boisterous, boisterously, boit, boite, Boito, BOJ, boka, Bokhara, Bokmal, boko, bokoo, Boksburg, BOL, bola, bolandiol, bolar, bolarious, bolasterone, bold, bold face, boldenone, bolder, boldface, bold-face, boldfaced, bold-faced, boldhearted, boldine, boldly, boldness, boldoglucin, boldtype, bole, bolection, boleite, bolero, Boletales, bolete, boletus, Boleyn, Bolger, bolide, Bolingbroke, Bolingbrook, bolivar, Bolivia, Bolivian, boliviano, bolix, boll, boll weevil, bollard, boller, bollix, bollo, bollock, bollocking, bollocks, boll-weevil, bollworm, bolmantalate, bolo, bologna, Bologna sausage, Bolognese, bologram, bolograph, bolometer, bolometricmagnitude, boloney, Bolonga, boloscope, Bolshevik, Bolsheviki, Bolshevism, Bolshevist, Bolshevistic, Bolshevize, bolshie, bolshy, bolson, Bolsover, bolster, bolster up, bolstering, bolt, bolt cutter, bolt hole, boltaction, Boltaflex, bolted, boltel, bolter, bolthead, bolthole, bolt-hole, bolting, bolting-silk, bolt-lock, bolton, bolt-on, boltonia, boltonite, boltoperated, boltrope, bolts, bolt-up, boltway, boltwoodite, Boltzmann distribution law, bolus, bolusalba, bolwtorch, BOM, Boma, Bomarc, bomb, bomb calorimeter, bomb out, bomb shelter, Bombacaceae, bombard, bombarder, bombardier, bombardment, bombardon, bombasine, bombast, bombastic, bombax, Bombay, bombays, bombazet, bombazine, bomb-disposal, bomb-dropping, bombe, bombé, bombed, bombed-out, bombee, bomber, bomber jacket, bombers, bombesin, bomb-gear, bomb-hatch, bombiccite, bombicesterol, Bombidae, bombifrons, bombilation, bombilla, bombinate, bombinator, bombing, bombiosterol, bombita, bomblet, bomblike, bombload, bombonne, bombora, bombous, bombproof, bombshell, bombsight, bombsite, bomb-site, bombus, bombycid, Bombycidae, bombycin, bombycine, bombycology, bombykol, bombyx, bombyx mori, bombyxin, bomensal, bomeplasty, bometolol, Bomu, Bomyl, bon, bon vivant, bon voyage, bona, bona fide, bona fides, bonaci, bonafide, bonailie, Bonaire, bonami, bonamine, Bonampak, bonanza, bonanzagram, Bonaparist, Bonaparte, Bonapartism, Bonapartist, bonattite, bonavacantia, bonaventure, bonbon, bonbonniere, bonbykol, bonchero, bonchevite, bond, bond certificate, bond holder, bond issue, bond paper, bond rating, bondage, bonded, bonded-carrier, bonder, bonderite, bonderization, bonderize, bonderizing, bonderlube, bondholder, bondieuserie, bonding, bondmaid, bondman, bond-meter, Bondo, bondon, bonds, bondservant, bondservice, bondslave, bondsman, bondstone, bondu, bonduc, bondwoman, bone, bone cell, bone china, bone marrow, bone meal, bone of contention, boneblack, bone-black, bonebrown, bone-cementum, boned, bone-deep, bonedry, bone-dry, bone-fat, bonefish, bonehead, bone-idle, bone-knitting, boneless, bonelet, bonemarrow-inhibitor, bone-muscle, boneplasty, boner, bones, boneset, bonesetter, bonesetting, bone-setting, boneshaker, boney, boneyard, bonfire, Bonfire Night, bonfires, bong, bongar, bongo, bongo drum, bongos, bongrace, bongs, bonhomie, bonhommie, bonhomous, boniato, boniface, boniness, boning, boning-in, boning-out, boning-rod, boninite, bonism, Bonita, bonitation, bonitera, bonito, bonitolera, bonk, bonkers, bonk-happy, Bonn, Bonnard, bonne, Bonner, bonnet, bonneted, bonnethead, Bonney, bonnie, bonnily, bonny, bonnyclabber, bonobo, Bononian, bons, bonsai, bonspiel, bonstay, bonswar, bont, bontbok, bontebok, Bontemps, bonten, bontle, bonus, bonuses, bony, bony fish, bony labyrinth, bonza, bonze, bonzer, boo, boo-ay, boob, boob tube, boobery, boobie, booboisie, booboo, boo-boo, boobs, booby, booby hatch, booby prize, booby trap, boobytrap, booby-trap, boocoo, boodle, Boodleaceae, boodler, boody, boof, boofer, boogaloo, booger, boogeyman, boogie, boogieman, boogiewoogie, boogie-woogie, boogyman, boohoo, boojum, book, book club, book jacket, book of account, Book of Mormon, book review, book store, book token, book value, bookable, bookbinder, bookbindery, bookbinding, bookcase, bookcraft, booked, bookend, bookends, booker, bookfairy, bookful, bookgill, bookholder, bookhunter, book-hunter, BOOKICP, bookie, bookies, booking, booking agent, booking clerk, bookingclerk, bookingoffice, bookings, bookish, bookjacket, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, book-keeping, book-kiosk, bookland, booklearned, book-learned, bookless, booklet, booklets, booklift, booklist, booklore, booklover, book-lung, bookmaker, bookmaking, bookman, bookmark, bookmarker, bookmatch, bookmatches, bookmobile, bookoo, bookphrase, book-phrase, bookplate, bookpost, bookrack, bookrest, bookreview, books, bookseller, bookseller's, bookselling, bookshelf, bookshelves, bookshop, bookstack, bookstall, bookstand, BookStar, bookstone, bookstore, bookstructure, booksy, bookteller, book-token, bookwork, bookworm, booky, bool, Boole, Boolean, Boolean algebra, Boolean logic, Boolean operation, Booleans, boom, boom town, boomage, boom-and-bust, boombox, boomer, boomerang, boomeranger, boomflation, boominess, booming, boomkin, boomlet, boom-out, boomslang, boomsprinkler, boomster, boomtown, boomy, boon, boondagger, boondocker, boondockers, boondocks, boondoggle, boondoggler, Boone, boong, boongary, boonies, booper, boopia, Boopidae, boor, boorga, boorish, boort, boost, booster, booster cable, booster rocket, booster station, booster unit, boosterism, boosting, boot, boot camp, boot strap, bootable, bootblack, booted, bootee, booter, bootery, Bootes, booth, Boothia, boothite, boothose, booths, Bootids, bootie, bootikin, booting, bootjack, bootlace, bootlast, bootleg, bootlegger, bootlegging, bootlegs, bootless, bootlessly, bootlick, bootlicker, bootlike, bootload, bootmaker, BOOTP, bootprint, boots, boot-shaped, bootstrap, boot-strap, bootstraping, bootstrapping, boottree, booty, booze, boozed, boozehound, boozer, boozeroo, booze-up, boozy, bop, bopeep, BOPET, Bophuthatswana, bopomofo, BOPP, bopper, boppish, bops, Bopyridae, Bopyrina, bopyrusiasis, BOQ, BOR, bora, Boracay, boracic, boracic acid, boraciferous, boracite, boracium, borage, Boraginaceae, borah, borak, boral, Boralf, borane, boranes, boras, borasca, borasco, borasque, Borat, borate, borated, borates, borax, borazine, borazol, borazon, borazone, borborygmus, borcarite, bord, Bordeaux, Bordeaux mixture, bordel, bordello, border, Border collie, border line, border on, border terrier, bordereau, bordereaux, bordered, borderer, bordering, borderism, borderland, borderline, borders, Bordet, Bordetela, Bordetella, bordroom, bordroomman, bordthea, bordure, bore, bore hole, boreal, borealis, Boreas, borecole, bored, boredom, boree, boreen, borehole, Borel, borematic, bore-out-of-round, borer, boresafe, borescope, boresight, boresighting, boresome, Borg, Borges, Borghese, Borgia, Borglum, boric, boric acid, borickite, boride, borides, boriding, borine, boring, boring machine, boringly, borings, Boris, Boris Godunov, borism, Borisov, borium, bork, Borland, Borlaug, Bormann, bormethyl, born, born again, born into, bornadiene, born-again, bornane, bornaprine, borne, Bornean, borneene, bornelone, Borneo, borneol, borneol-2, bornesitol, bornhardt, Bornholm, Bornholm disease, bornite, Borno, Bornu, bornyl, bornylane, bornylene, bornylformate, bornylhalide, bornyral, boro, boroarsenate, Borobudur, borobutane, borocaine, borocalcite, Borod, Borodin, Borodino, boroethane, boroferrite, borofil, borofluoride, borogen, boroglyceride, boroglycerin, borohydride, borol, borolanite, Borolin, boroll, borolon, boromycin, boron, boron trifluoride, boronation, boronatrocalcite, boron-doping, boronia, boronizing, boron-oxygen, borophosphate, boroscope, borosil, borosilicate, borosiliconizing, borough, borough-english, Boroxal, boroxane, boroxene, boroxin, borphenyl, Borrelia, borrelidin, borrow, borrow pit, borrowed, borrower, borrowing, borrowing cost, borrowings, Bors, borsal, Borsalino, borsch, borscht, borsht, borstal, borsten, borsyl, bort, bortam, Borth, borthiin, bortsch, bortz, boryl, borylarsenate, borylphosphate, borzoi, bos, Bos taurus, bosa, Bosanquet, Bosc, boscage, Bosch, boschbok, boschvark, Bosco, bose, Boser, bosh, boshbok, bosher, boshing, boshplate, bosie, bosk, boskage, bosket, Boskop, bosky, bos'n, bo'sn, bo's'n, Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian, Bosnians, Bosnywash, bosom, bosomed, bosomy, boson, bosons, Bosporus, bosque, bosquet, boss, boss around, bossage, bossdom, bossed, bosset, bosseyed, boss-eyed, bosshead, bossiness, bossing, Bossini, bossism, boss-shot, Bossuet, bossy, boster, bosthoon, Boston, Boston fern, boston ivy, Boston Tea Party, Boston terrier, Bostonian, bostonite, Bostonivy, Bostrichidae, Bostrichoidea, bostrix, bostrycin, bostrycoidin, bostryx, bosun, boswell, Boswellian, Boswellism, Boswellize, bot, bota, BOTAC, botallackite, botanic, botanica, botanical, botanical garden, botanically, Botanics, botanist, botanize, botanizing, botanogeochemistry, botanomancy, botany, botargo, BOTB, botch, Botched, botcher, botchery, botchwork, botchy, bote, botel, Boter, botfly, both, both...and..., both…and, Bothe, bother, botheration, bothered, bothersome, both-handed, bothie, Bothnia, bothrenchyma, bothridium, bothriocephaliasis, Bothriocephalus, Bothriocidaroida, Bothriolepis, bothrium, bothropase, Bothrophera, bothropotoxin, bothropoxin, Bothrops, bothrosome, both-way, Bothwell, bothy, boticin, Botnet, boto, botox, bo-tree, botryogen, botryoid, botryoidal, botryoidaltissue, botryomycosis, botryomycotic, botryose, botrytic, botryticin, botrytimycosis, Botrytis, bots, Botswana, Botswanian, bott, Botticelli, Botticellian, bottine, botting, bottle, bottle cap, bottle gourd, bottle green, bottle neck, bottle nose, bottle opener, bottle up, bottlebrush, bottled, bottled gas, bottled water, bottle-fed, bottle-feed, bottle-feeding, bottleful, bottle-green, bottlehead, bottleholder, bottle-jaw, bottlekhana, bottleneck, bottle-neck, bottlenose, bottler, bottlery, bottles, bottle-trap, bottletree, bottling, bottom, bottom land, bottom line, bottom out, bottom up, bottombars, bottom-dump, Bottome, bottomed, bottom-feeder, bottoming, bottomland, bottomless, bottom-line, bottommost, bottomry, bottoms, bottomset, bottomtank, bottom-up, bottonium, bottromycin, Bottrop, bottstick, BOTU, botulin, botulinogenic, botulinum, botulinus, botulism, botulismotoxin, bouba, boubou, boucharde, bouche, Boucher, boucherie, boucherize, boucherizing, bouchon, boucle, Boudain, boudeuse, Boudicca, boudin, boudinage, boudle, boudoir, bouffant, bouffe, bougainvillaea, Bougainville, bougainvillea, bough, boughed, boughpot, bought, boughten, bougie, bougienage, bouginage, bougle, bouillabaisse, bouilli, bouillon, bouillon cube, Boulanger, boulangerie, boulangerite, Boulangism, boulder, boulder clay, boulder-clay, bouldering, boulders, bouldery, boule, boules, bouleuterion, boulevard, boulevardier, bouleversement, Boulez, boulimia, boulle, Boulogne, Boulogne-Billancourt, Boulogne-sur-Mer, boult, boulter, Boulwarism, boun, bounce, bounce back, bounce bout, bounce-back, bounceball, bouncer, bounces, bouncing, bouncing putty, bouncy, bound, bound form, boundary, boundary condition, boundary layer, boundary line, bounded, boundedness, bounden, bounder, boundless, boundlessly, bounds, boundscript, boundstone, bounteous, bounteously, Bountiful, bountifully, bounty, bounty hunter, bouquet, bouquetier, bouquetiere, bouquetin, bouquets, Bourbon, Bourbonism, Bourbonnais, bourdon, bourdony, bourette, bourg, Bourgas, bourgeois, bourgeoise, bourgeoisie, bourgeoisification, bourgeoisify, bourgeon, Bourges, Bourgogne, Bourke-White, bourn, bourne, bournonite, bourree, bourrelet, bourride, bourse, bourtree, bouse, boussingaultite, boustay, boustrophedon, bousy, bout, boutade, bouteillenstein, boutel, boutgate, boutique, boutiquier, bouton, boutonniere, boutons, Boutros-Ghali, bouts, bouvardia, bouvardin, Bouvier des Flandres, bouzouki, bouzoukia, bovarism, bovate, Bovet, bovid, Bovidae, bovine, bovovaccination, bovovaccine, bovril, bovver, bow, bow and arrow, bow window, bow-backed, bowdacious, Bowditch, bowdlerise, bowdlerism, bowdlerize, bowdrill, bowed, bowel, bowel movement, Bowelism, Bowell, bowels, Bowen, bowenite, bower, bowerbird, bower-birds, bowered, bowers, bowery, bowfin, bowfront, bowgrace, bowguide, bowgun, bowhead, bowhunt, bowie, bowie knife, bowing, bowk, bowking, bowknot, bowl, bowlder, bowleg, bow-leg, bow-legas, bowlegged, bow-legged, bowler, bowler hat, bowlful, bowline, bowling, bowling alley, bowling ball, bowling equipment, bowling green, bowling pin, bowling-alley, bowlingite, bowls, bowman, bow-on, bowpot, bowsaw, bowse, bowser, bowshock, bowshot, bowsman, bowsprit, bowstave, bowstring, bowstring hemp, bow-tie, bow-twixter, bow-wave, bowwow, bowyang, bowyer, box, box camera, box girder, box number, box office, box pleat, box spring, box wrench, boxberry, boxboard, boxcar, boxcars, boxed-off, boxer, boxer shorts, boxers, boxes, boxfish, box-frame, boxful, box-hat, boxhaul, boxhead, boxholder, boxhole, box-in, boxing, Boxing Day, boxing glove, boxing match, boxing ring, boxkeeper, boxlike, boxman, box-note, box-office, boxroom, box-staple, boxthorn, boxtree, boxty, box-up, boxwood, boxwork, boxy, boy, boy scout, Boy Scouts, boy wonder, boyar, boyard, Boyce, boychik, boycott, boycotts, Boyd, BOYDS, boyfriend, Boyg, boyhood, boyish, boyishly, boyla, Boyle, Boyne, boyo, boys, boys and girls, boysenberry, Boyz, Boyzone, BOZ, Bozcaada, Bozen, bozo, BozzaMix, bozzetto, bp, BPA, bpam, BPAS, BPC, BPCF, BPCS, BPD, BPE, BPEL, BPF, BPG, BPH, BPI, B-picture, B-pillar, BPL, BPM, BPMC, BPO, B-position, B-power, BPP, BPR, BPRS, bps, bpt, Bq, BR, bra, braaivleis, Brabanconne, brabant, brabble, braccate, brace, braced, bracehead, bracelet, braceleted, braceman, bracer, bracero, braceros, bracers, braces, brach, bracheid, brachelytrous, brachet, brachia, brachial, brachial artery, brachial plexus, brachial vein, brachialgia, brachialia, brachialis, Brachiarticulata, Brachiata, brachiate, brachidium, brachiferous, brachiform, braching, brachio-, brachiocephalic, brachiocubital, brachiocyllosis, brachiocyrtosis, brachiolaria, brachiole, brachioneus, brachiophore, brachiopod, Brachiopoda, Brachiopoda(拉), brachiopods, brachioradialis, brachiorrheuma, brachiosaur, brachiostrophosis, brachistochrone, brachium, brachy-, brachyanticline, Brachyarchus, brachyaxis, brachybasophalangia, brachycardia, brachycephal, brachycephalic, brachycephalization, brachycephalous, brachycephaly, Brachycera, brachycerebral, brachycerous, brachycheilia, brachychily, brachycranial, brachycranic, brachydactyl, brachydactylia, brachydactylic, brachydactylous, brachydactyly, brachydiagonal, brachydodromous, brachydome, brachydont, brachyelytrous, brachyform, brachy-form, brachygeosyncline, brachylast, brachylogy, brachymeiosis, brachyodont, brachyosis, brachypinacoid, Brachypsectridae, brachypterism, brachypterous, brachyrhinia, brachyrhynchus, brachysclereid, brachyskelic, brachystomatous, brachysyncline, brachytelephalangia, brachytelescope, brachytelic, brachytely, brachytherapy, Brachythoraci, brachytracheae, Brachyura, brachyural, brachyuran, brachyurous, bracing, braciola, braciole, brack, brackebuschite, bracken, bracker, bracket, bracket creep, bracketarm, bracketed, bracketing, bracket-like, bracket-plant, brackets, brackish, brackishness, brackypterous, bracon, braconid, bract, bracteal, bracteate, bracteine, bracteody, bracteoid, bracteolate, bracteole, bracteomania, bractlet, bracts, brad, bradawl, Bradbury, Braddock, bradenhead, Bradenton, brader, Bradford, Bradfordian, bradisulfa, Bradley, bradoriida, brads, bradshaw, bradsot, Bradstreet, Brady, bradyadministration, bradyauxesis, bradybasia, bradycardia, bradycardic, bradycauma, bradycausis, bradycinesia, bradycrotic, bradydiastalsis, bradydiastole, bradydiastolia, bradye, bradyesthesia, bradygenesis, bradyglossia, bradykinesia, bradykinetic, bradykinin, bradykininogen, bradylalia, bradylogia, bradymasesis, bradymetabolism, Bradyodonti, bradypepsia, bradyphagia, bradyphrenia, bradypnea, bradypnoea, bradypragia, bradyrhythmia, bradyscope, bradyseism, bradyspermatism, bradysphygmia, bradyspore, brady-sporozoite, bradystalsis, bradytelic, bradytely, bradyuria, bradyzoite, brae, brag, Braga, Braganca, Braganza, Brage, Bragg, braggadocio, braggart, bragger, bragging, braggite, Bragi, bragite, Brahe, Brahma, brahmacharya, Brahman, Brahmana, Brahmani, Brahmanic, Brahmanical, Brahmanism, Brahmanist, Brahmans, brahmapootra, Brahmaputra, Brahmin, Brahminee, Brahminism, Brahminist, Brahmins, Brahmoism, Brahmoist, Brahms, Brahmsian, Brahui, braid, braided, braider, braiding, braidism, brail, brailer, brailing, Braille, Brailler, Braillewriter, brain, brain cell, brain coral, brain death, brain fever, brain power, brain stem, brain storm, brain storming, brain surgery, brain truster, brain tumor, brain wave, braincap, braincase, brainchild, Braine, brained, brainfag, brainiac, brainish, brainless, brainman, brainpan, brain-picking, brainpower, brains, brainsick, brainstem, brainstorm, brainstorming, brainteaser, Braintree, brainwash, brainwashing, brainwave, brainwork, brainworker, brainworm, brainy, braise, braised, braiser, brait, braize, brake, brake band, brake cylinder, brake disk, brake drum, brake lining, brake pad, brake pedal, brake shoe, brake system, brakeage, brake-fade, brakeload, brakeman, brake-press, braker, brakes, brake-shoe, brakesman, brakestaff, brakevan, brake-van, brakie, braking, braky, brale, braless, BRAM, bramah, bramamlite, Bramante, bramble, brambleberry, brambled, brambles, brambling, brambly, Bramley, brammallite, Brampton, Bramwell, bran, branalcane, brancart, branch, branch line, branch out, branch out into, brancheae, branched, branched chain, branches, branchia, branchiae, branchial, branchial arch, branchialchamber, Branchiata, branchiate, branchiform, branching, branching-point, branchiomere, branchiomycosis, branchiopneustic, branchiopod, Branchiopoda, branchiostegite, Branchiostoma, branchireme, Branchiura, branchless, branchlet, branchofiberoscope, branchpoinnt, branchpoint, branchwood, branchy, Brancusi, brand, brand name, brand new, brandade, brandcompetition, branded, Brandeis, Brandenburg, brander, brandering, brandied, branding, branding iron, brandish, brandling, brand-new, Brando, Brandon, brandreth, Brandt, brandtite, brandy, brandy glass, brandyball, Brandywine, Brangus, Branhamella, brank, branks, brankursine, branner, brannerite, branners, bran-new, brannigan, branny, Branson, brant, brantail, Brantford, Branting, bran-tub, Braque, Brasflia, brash, brashing, brashly, brashness, brashy, brasier, Brasil, brasilein, Brasilia, brasilin, Brasoran, Brasov, brasque, brasqueing, brass, brass band, brass hat, brass knuckles, brass section, brassage, brassard, brassart, brassboard, brassbound, brassbounder, brass-collar, brasserie, brasses, brassfounder, brassfounding, brassica, brassicasterol, brassicicolin, brassicin, brassie, brassie&2&re, brassiere, brassière, brassily, brassin, brassiness, brassing, brass-rubbing, brass-smith, brass-visaged, brassware, brasswind, brass-wind, brassy, brastil, brat, bratchet, Bratislava, bratlash, brat-packer, Bratsk, Brattain, brattice, bratticing, brattish, brattishing, brattle, bratty, bratwurst, Bratz, Braulidae, Braun, braunification, braunite, Braunschweig, braunschweiger, brava, bravado, bravaisite, brave, braved, bravely, braveness, braver, bravery, braves, bravest, bravissimo, bravo, bravoite, bravura, braw, brawl, brawler, Brawley, brawling, brawly, brawn, brawniness, brawny, braxy, bray, brayer, braying, brazability, brazan, braze, brazed, brazen, brazenfaced, brazenly, brazenness, brazer, brazergoline, braze-welding, brazier, braziery, Brazil, Brazil nut, brazilein, Brazilian, Brazilian rosewood, brazilin, brazilwood, brazing, Brazos, Brazzaville, BRCS, BRD, BRDB, BRDC, BRE, Brea, breach, breach of contract, breach of duty, breach of promise, breach of the peace, breach of trust, breach of warranty, bread, bread and butter, bread basket, bread board, bread crumb, bread line, bread maker, bread-and-bitter, bread-and-butter, breadbasket, breadboard, breadbox, breadcrumb, bread-crumb, breadcrust, breaded, breader, breadfruit, bread-in, breadless, breadline, breadnut, breadroot, breadstuffs, breadth, breadth-first, breadths, breadthways, breadthwise, breadwinner, break, break away, break away from, break bread, break down, break down into, break even, break in, break in on, break into, break into groups, break loose, break of day, break off, break off sth, break open, break out, break out into, break the law, break through, break ties with, break up, break wind, break with, breakable, breakables, breakage, breakage-proof, breakaway, breakback, breakbeat, break-before-make, breakbone, breakdance, breakdown, break-down, breaker, breakerless, breakerman, breaker-mill, breakers, breakeven, break-even, breakfast, breakfinder, breakfrequency, breakfront, breakhead, break-in, breaking, breaking and entering, breaking point, breaking-down, breaking-in, breaking-off, breaking-out, breakingstress, break-joint, break-line, breakmark, breakneck, breakoff, break-off, breakout, break-out, breakoutput, breakover, break-over, breakpoint, breaks, breakstone, breakthrough, break-time, breakup, break-up, breakwater, breakwater-glacis, breakweather, breakwind, bream, breast, breast cancer, breast drill, breast feeding, breast pocket, breast-beating, breastbone, breast-deep, Breasted, breast-fed, breastfeed, breast-feed, breast-high, breasthook, breastmark, breastpain, breastpin, breast-pin, breastplate, breastpocket, breastrail, breasts, breaststroke, breastsummer, breastwork, breath, breathability, breathable, breathalyse, breathalyser, breathalyze, breathalyzer, breathe, breathe in, breathe out, breathed, breather, breather-pipe, breather-tube, breathhold, breathing, breathing apparatus, breathing machine, breathing space, breathingpipe, breathless, breathlessly, breathlessness, breathometer, breathtaking, breath-taking, breathy, breccia, breccial, brecciate, brecciation, breccioid, brecciola, Brecht, Brechtian, Brecknockshire, Breconshire, bred, brede, bredigite, bredinin, bred-in-the-bone, bree, breech, breech birth, breech delivery, breech presentation, breechblock, breech-block, breechblock-stop, breechcloth, breechclout, breeches, breeches buoy, breeching, breechless, breechloader, breechloading, breech-loading, breech-sight, breed, breeder, breeder reactor, breeder-converter, breeders, breeding, breeding ground, breeds, breeks, breen, breeze, breeze block, breeze through, breeze up, breeze-block, breezee, breezeless, breezes, breezeway, breeziliness, breezily, breeziness, breezing, breezy, bregema, bregenin, B-register, bregma, brehon, brei, breithauptite, brekker, brekkie, BREL, brelogue, BREMA, bremazocine, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Bremerton, bremsstrahlung, bremsstrahlungsource, Bren, Brenda, Brendan, Brennan, brenner pass, brennschluss, brenstone, brent, Brentidae, Brentwood, brephic, brephoplastic, brer, bresaola, Brescia, bresk, Breslau, bressummer, Brest, Bretagne, brethren, Breton, Bretonian, Bretons, Brett, brettis, Bretton, bretzel, Breuer, breunnerite, breve, brevet, brevetcy, breviary, breviate, Brevibacteriaceae, Brevibacterium, brevicollis, brevicone, brevier, brevifolin, breviped, brevipennate, brevirostrate, brevirostrine, brevity, brevitype, brevium, brew, brewage, brewer, brewers, brewery, brewhouse, brewing, brewis, brewmaster, brewpub, brewski, brewster, brewsterite, brew-up, Brexit, Breyer, Brezhnev, BRI, Brian, Briand, Brianna, Briansk, briar, briard, Briareus, briarroot, briarwood, bribability, bribable, bribe, bribeable, bribee, briber, bribery, bribes, BRIC, bric-a-brac, Brice, brick, brick bat, brick kiln, brick layer, brick red, brick-and-mortar, brickbat, brickdust, brickearth, brickfield, brickfielder, brickhammer, brickie, bricking, bricking-up, brickkiln, bricklayer, bricklaying, brickle, brick-lined, brickmaker, brickmaking, brickmason, bricknogging, brick-on-end, brick-red, bricks, brick-set, brickwork, bricky,


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