China, which has retaliated against American goods with its own tariffs, may also be turning off the investment spigot as punishment for Mr. Trump's economic crackdown.
Monday morning, 80 percent of the capital's water off following a new barrage of Russian airstrikes, spigots not use since the war began a lifeline again, but not unexpected.
He returns to the terrain of “Embracing Defeat”, marvelling at how the vicious racial hatreds of the Pacific war dissipated so quickly, as though “turned off like a spigot”.
This is when blood is passively flowing through the atria and into the ventricles, almost like water pouring out of a spigot and filling a water balloon.
Now, the government isn't likely to turn on the cash spigot again like that anytime soon, so it's anyone's guess how long these optimal labor market conditions are going to last.